Chapter 7. Keep it simple

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It's Valentine's day-eve and I'm panicking. I still don't have a clue about what buying for Beauty. Take her to a fancy restaurant it's too much. We've been dating for 5 months so it's too early to buy her a ring. I'm not good at this kind of things. Panic gets me and my mind goes blank. 

I have to call Forth and Pha so they can give me some advice. I call Pha first. He immediately picks up the phone.

P: Honey, I've said I'll call you in a while.

K: I'm not your honey.

P: What do you want?

K: Woah, what a sudden change. Is this how you treat your best friend?

P: Yeah, yeah. Why are you calling me? I've some things to do, so hurry up.

K: Okay, jeez. I need your help.

P: For what?

K: I'm stuck. I don't know what to do for Valentine's day.

P: Well, what Beauty likes?

K: I really don't know.

P: How come that? It's your girlfriend! You should at least know the things she likes.

K: I know, I'm terrible. How can I find out what she likes without asking her?

P: Think about the things she likes wearing or doing, her favourite colour. She must have told you something about those things and, moreover, you know her since what? High school?

K: Yeah, but it wasn't that kind of friendship where you tell each other what you like or don't. We just chatted about how boring the lesson was and things like that.

P: What kind of friendship is that? Omg, I don't want to know. Okay, so now just take a minute and think carefully about the things I said to you a while ago.

K: Mmh...I reckon she likes wearing earrings and necklaces.

P: Good, you find what to buy! Now I have really to go. I have to buy 50 plushies and 200 roses for Wayo.

K: Jeez, isn't that too much? You already gave him roses, did you forget?

P: I know, but he likes them so much! I want to put them all over his room and on the bed too, moreover, the plushies are a limited edition from his new favourite manga. His eyes were shining while looking at them.

K: You need to see someone.

P: I already am. It's my lovely Wayo.

K: I meant a doctor. You need it. You're so diabetic.

P: Fuck you! I'm hanging! Good luck!

He hangs the phone so quickly that I cannot say anything else. Okay, so maybe he was helpful. Now it's Forth's turn. I know he was going to surprise Beam and I think he's more reliable than Phana in this matter.

F: Howdy Kit! What's up?

K: Hi Forth! Not much...actually I have something to ask.

F: Tell me!

K: What can I do on Valentine's day? I don't know what to do to surprise Beauty.

F: Mmh... I can't be much help because I don't know her. All I can tell you is to keep it simple.

K: Define simple.

F: Simple like nothing too serious. You can scare her or she can overthink. For example, I'm going to the park with Beam and do a picnic near the lake and wait for the sunset. It's simple but effective.

K: I'm afraid I can't do that. Tomorrow afternoon she's not even here. I can only see her briefly since she has to go to her parents' house because it's her grandmother's birthday.

F: So what about a bouquet of roses and chocolates? It sounds like a clichè, but she will love it, plus she can eat the chocolates during the trip to her house.

K: You're a genius! Why didn't I think about that?

F: That's because you never dated before.

K: I'm sorry mister ex-almost-moon-of-the-university. I didn't have the occasion to have a lot of girls screaming and almost fainting around me.

F: Hahaha I'm joking, you know.

K: Me too hahaha.

F: Okay, so now I have to go. I have to start making tomorrow's lunch.

K: He will love it!

F: I hope so! Good luck with your date.

K: Thank you.

As he hangs the phone, I take my jacket and rush out from my room.

I arrive at the nearest jewellery shop and I start looking around. I want to find a necklace that's not too expensive nor too cheap. As the shop assistant saw my panicking face, she approaches me with a smile and, maybe for the first time in my life, I'm glad she did it. I gladly accept her help and I explain what I was looking for. After carefully listening to me, she points out a pretty necklace. It had a white gold shaped diamond as a charm and nothing else.

It was simple as Forth said, but it has an important meaning that I didn't think of at that moment

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It was simple as Forth said, but it has an important meaning that I didn't think of at that moment.

I decide to buy it and so one thing was out. Now I had to buy chocolates and book the flowers so tomorrow I won't be empty-handed. It's the least I can do after carrying her in all of this mess.

Author's note: so this is a filler chapter since I didn't have too much time to write, but I promise that soon you will have the chapter you've all been waiting for! Still, thanks for your support and I hope you liked it!

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