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Harry has always been a good kid. He is studious, he works hard, he is healthy, he doesn't talk back to teachers or his parents, and he goes to church every Sunday. Harry is perfect if you don't count the fact that he has no back bone. His parents speak for him at every outing. He does only what he's told, so if he's told to blend into the crowd, he does just that. His entire life he has blended but the minute he turned 18 everything changed.

Louis is the exact opposite. He is a laid back guy, he went through high school doing the bare minimum and is currently enrolled in a community college where he plans to do the same thing. He works with his friend at his tattoo shop but he doesn't actually give tattoos, he just draws out tattoo ideas and gets paid for it. Louis lives in a cheap, shitty apartment that is about a block away from his community college.

Louis loves his family, who lives in a town two hours away over in a house that is much too small for his mom and his six siblings, but because of his new stepdad that is changing. He would drop anything for his family in a heart beat. The same goes for his friends, Liam and Zayn, who have been with Louis through thick and thin and sometimes provide him with the occasional joint and free tattoo.

Louis is content with his life, he doesn't care about what anyone says about him.

"Haz," Harry's mom says knocking on his door gently, "we have church today, get out of bed."

Harry groans and gets out of bed reluctantly. Harry lives on the same schedule, day by day and week by week. Harry was hoping that when he turned 18 last week there would have been more of a dramatic change. Like he would automatically feel like an adult.

There was nothing.

Harry sighs and changes into his regular boring church clothes. After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and fixing his hair, Harry walks up stairs to his kitchen, where his mom and dad are already standing by the door ready to leave.

Harry walks with his head down and follows them out the door and to the car. For the past week Harry has been getting annoyed with his boring schedule and average life. He feels like he is ready to explode. All Harry has ever wanted was to express himself, he would see those "sinners" on the street and want to be them. He notices how they don't seem to care about anything and honestly Harry is getting to the point where he doesn't care.

"Harry I asked you a question." Harry's dad, Desmond, says passive aggressively.

"Huh?" Harry mutters, still looking out the window.

"I was just wondering how your friend Cara was doing after she came out as a lesbian? Her parents must be devastated with how their daughter turned out."

Harry sighs again, Desmond always seems to bring up such controversial topics. It's like he wants to get a rise out of harry, and this time he does.

"Imagine how she must feel dad," Harry says, growing angry, "the only thing you care about is her parents, who kicked her out of the house. Cara is alone and she is getting judged by her own parents and people like you. She feels awful and she is living with a stranger. So no, I'm sure she isn't doing well if that's what you are asking. But I wouldn't know how she is doing anyways because she hasn't talked to me in days."

Desmond's hands visibly tighten against the steering wheel.

Anne is shocked at Harry's speech, but doesn't say anything.

"Son, who ever gave you the right to speak to me like that?" Desmond says bitterly.

Harry then says, "it's just—what if I were gay? Would you kick me out, dad? Would you pity yourself? Try to figure out where you went wrong? Because I can't continue to sit here and not be myself."

"Harry." Anne warns her son.

Harry continues, "like you guys force me to blend and you force me to be perfect but, like, I'm not. I'm not even religious, I don't even think I believe in god."

Desmond pulls the car over, cars behind him are honking but he doesn't care. "I want you out of my car, Harry."

Harry doesn't say anything. And for a second all he can think is oh shit oh shit oh shit. He only said all of this to get a rise out of Desmond, he doesn't actually want to get kicked out of the car. Harry instantly regrets everything he said. So much for standing up for your beliefs.

"Dad I'm sorry I-"

"Harry, get out." Desmond repeats. Anne goes to say something but Des shoots her a glare.

Harry sighs and wipes at his face before opening the car door and getting out. Desmond doesn't hesitate to drive away and Harry is left on the side walk. Harry stands on the side walk staring for a second because what the fuck is he supposed to do now?

He could take the bus home. It's not too far away. He could get a hotel room for the night, stay there until he comes up with another plan. He's got money, and his dads credit card.

His dads credit card.

Harry stops for a second and grins. If being gay pissed his father off what else would?

Harry looks up and looks around, he wants to do something that his dad will see on his banking account. He wants to do something that will piss him off to no tomorrow.

Harry wants a tattoo.

eighteen // larry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now