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Harry wakes up the next day at 10:00 in the morning. He is starving and still tired. He just lays in bed without moving for ten minutes before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. He smells like shit and his breath has the taste of leftover beer from the night before. He groans a little and strips off his clothes. Harry brushes his teeth quickly while waiting for the shower to warm up. When Harry gets in the warm water he moans a little and begins to rub soap on himself.

Harry takes a ten minute shower, which is pretty long for him. When he gets out of the shower he towel drys his hair then wraps his bottom half in the towel before running back to his room.

Harry changes into a pair of jeans and a collared shirt because today he decides he wants to try to get a job. He knows he can't live off of the money he has in his bank account (though it is a lot, Harry doesn't know how long with will last him).

Louis was already at work, or maybe one of his classes. He should invest in a calendar so Harry knows what Louis is up to. Harry makes himself a poached egg on toast for breakfast in hopes that he starts his day off right. Harry has felt more motivated today that he has felt in a long time.

While Harry ate his breakfast he looked up some places he could get a job. He only had a high school diploma but he knows that he wanted to work somewhere good not some fast food restaurant or anything. A few jobs that showed up was a residential advisor for the local high school. In that job he is supposed to plan trips and keep track of money and such. That seems like a lot of responsibility in Harry's opinion.

Another job that Harry finds is a social and human service assistant at mental health center. He would give family's treatment options and according to the lady he talked to on the phone he would "work at the front desk." Harry found that job okay because it would benefit his future plans in studying psychology.

The mental health center was about a 5 minute drive away. Harry walked in to see a lady that looked to be in her mid-sixties at the front desk.

"Hi, I heard that you are looking for applicants for a assistant job that has opened?" Harry says politely.

"Yes, yes." The lady says nicely. She shuffled things around her desk in search for the application, "here you go. Fill this out and bring it back as soon as possible. If we like you we will give you a call and schedual an interview."

"Thank you." Harry says, walking out to his car with the paper in hand. The application wasn't long so Harry spends about 20 minutes in the parking lot filling it out. Harry walks back inside and hands her the application and walks back out with a very awkward farewell. Harry spends about two hours driving around filling out applications, but knowing that he wants the job at the mental health center.

At around two in the afternoon Harry decides to stop by Zayn's tattoo shop to see if Louis was there.

He opens the door of the shop and a bell rings from the top of the door. Harry heard a faint voice from the back saying "be there in a minute!"

A strange man come from the back office and asks, "do you need anything?"

Harry stuttered a little, he expected Zayn or Louis, not a stranger. "Uh Yeah, is Louis here?"

The mans eyes widen and he says, "shit, you must be Harry, Yeah? Louis was telling me all about you. I'm Liam, Zayns boyfriend."

"Oh," Harry says happily, "I'm Harry, uh obviously."

Liam laughs a little and says, "Louis went to one of his classes a while ago but should be back pretty soon. I'm drawing out a few designs in the back if you want to join me while you wait for him. I have ramen noodles and cheese puffs."

eighteen // larry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now