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Harry walks into the tattoo shop in a sort of haze, he looks around trying to look like he belongs there but anyone with eyes could see that he definitely doesn't.

"Hey kid." A man says from behind the counter, "do you need anything?"

"I uh, want a tattoo." Harry mutters, but then says more confidently, "yeah I want a tattoo."

"Are you 18 or older?" He asks with suspicion.

Harry nods and grabs the wallet out of his pocket to show the beautiful man in front of him his ID.

"You just turned 18..." the man says, "are you sure you want a tattoo? This is, like, permanent."

Harry rolls eyes, "I'm not dumb. I know what I'm doing."

"Alright then. Do you know what you want?"

Harry thinks about it for a second. "I think I want a couple of, like, screws on my biceps just to metaphorically portray how majorly screwed I am at the moment."

He nods and says "Louis back there will draw you out something. Will you have a form of payment?"

Harry hold up his fathers credit card and says with a grin, "Yeah I do."

The man nods, "alright this here is Louis, he is our artist. He hates giving tattoos. My boyfriend, Liam, and I do the actual needle part."

Harry nods and admires the other man in the room, Louis. Louis has feathery hair and seems to be covered in tattoos. He also has a perfect tan. Louis eyes had bags under them but that didn't take away from the beautiful blue eye color he had. He also smelled a bit like smoke. Harry couldn't help but notice that as he walked past him to sit down.

"So what's your name?" Louis ask. He grabs a small sketch book and opens it to a clean page.

"I'm uh, Harry Styles."

"Wait, Styles. Why does that name sound familiar?" He askes with a quirked eyebrow.

Harry shrugs and blushes a little because, Louis is staring him down and Harry is just a little bit uncomfortable.

Louis fingers snap and says "your family owns that church down the road! They made my favorite bar shut down because they were to close to their church. Something about how you have to be so many yards away from a church to sell alcohol. Proper bullshit. My friend Niall had to open another club across town. He lost a shit ton of money too."

Harry sighs, "uh yeah, that was my dad, or step dad or whatever."

Louis says, "so, does your daddy know you are getting a tattoo?"

"To be quite honest I don't give a shit what he thinks." Harry says, trying to act cool.

Louis laughs a little, "wow we've got a bad ass on our hands."

Harry doesn't say anything else and watches as Louis doodles out some screws. It only takes a couple minutes before he is turning to sketch book in Harry's direction.

"Do these look okay?" Louis questions.

Harry nods happily, "that's exactly what I want."

He nods as well, "where do you want it? So can go ahead and draw it on so all Zayn has to do is stick a needle into you."

Harry lifts his t-shirt sleeve a little and points to where he wants it. Louis nods and takes a fancy looking pen and draws the screw on Harry's arm.

"So may I ask why you think you are screwed?"

"I think my dad kicked me out of the house, or car I guess." Harry explains, "he kept making rude comments about my friend, so in order to piss him off I basically told him that I was gay and that I didn't believe in God."

eighteen // larry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now