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"Are you crying?" Louis asks, walking into his apartment after a long day at school and work. It is nine at night and Harry has yet to stop crying. At this point he doesn't know why he is crying anymore he just feels the need to cry.

Harry sniffles out a small "no." Even though Harry's hands are shaking, and his nose is running, and his cheeks are blotchy and red.

Louis sighs, and sits down next to Harry. Louis notices now that his house is completely spotless. The floor was swept and mopped, it had been dusted and it even smelt good. Louis smiles a little at that but frowns once again at the crying boy.

"Did you clean?"

Harry nods and mumbles, "needed a distraction."

"What wrong?" Louis asks, "did something happen?"

Harry groans, "no I'm just crying. I'm a mess of emotions and I need to cry, but I feel like I can't cry enough."

Louis looks at him in confusion, but doesn't say anything. Instead he hugs Harry and let's Harry wrap his arms around Louis waist and dig his head into Louis neck. Louis rubs his back gently as Harry try's to get himself together.

Louis dog has been laying on the couch next to Harry all day but once Louis got home he replaced his dog.

"Do you wanna talk about anything, Harry?"

Harry gulps and he says, "my mom doesn't care about me. She just handed me my keys and let me leave. Like I wasn't someone she raised for 18 years. Like she didn't push me out of her vagina. It's like, to her, family means nothing."

"Maybe it doesn't." Louis says thoughtfully.

"What?" Harry is confused, he doesn't understand. Isn't Louis supposed to comfort him?

"Maybe family doesn't mean anything to her Harry. But family means something to you and if it matters to you that much then go out and find a new family. Your mom and dad don't just have to be your family. It can be your friends, like Cara. I can even be your family if you want. My sisters could be your family. If you love someone then they are automatically apart of you and your own family Haz. Don't let your mom's idea of family ruin your idea of family."

Harry sniffles and says pathetically, "will you be my family Louis?"

Harry realizes how small he sounds. He sounds like a child but neither he or Louis cared.

Louis nods, "I can be your family Harry, if you want me to."

"I would like that." Harry says, then pauses, "what am I going to do with my life, Louis? I don't know what the hell I want to do with my life. I don't even know what I like to do. I just liked what my parents told me to like. I don't know who I am, Lou. How do I, like, discover myself?"

Louis shrugs, "I really don't know Harry. I was gifted with a family that let me be me and loved me."

There is a pause in conversation while Louis try's to think of ways to help Harry.

"So, what's something you never thought you would do but kinda always wanted to do?" Louis asks, "like, I've never been to a Waffle House at three in the morning but I kinda want to do it."

Harry thinks for a minute, "I've never stole something, but I want to. Like I want to feel a thrill of some sort."

Louis laughs a little, and stands up, "well little Harry let's go steal something."

Harry looks at him with wide eyes, "I mean what if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught Harry. You aren't going to steal anything major. Let's start with a candy bar from the local gas station." Louis says, taking Harry's hand and dragging him off the couch, "let's take your fancy car to a gas station."

eighteen // larry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now