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Harry and Louis looked at house after house and apartment after apartment but nothing compared to the first apartment that they looked at. So two months later, right when Louis is about to graduate, they buy it. Harry pays for half and Louis pays for half, and since they both have a steady income they buy it without a problem.

Louis and Harry are packing up their things when it really hits harry that he's leaving. Louis is graduating tomorrow, harry got accepted into FSPU, they bought an apartment together, everything is adding up to be perfect.

But for some reason Harry is crying, he is folding a hoodie into a box with tears streaming down his face, louis hears a sniffle and turns to him.

"Babe whats wrong?" Louis asks, stumbling over to him, seeing Harry cry seems to be a regular occurrence but it still tugs on his heart.

"We are leaving." Harry says, "I've grown up here and we are leaving."

Louis nods and sits down in the bed with him, Harry leans his head on Louis shoulder when Louis says, "I know, but that's a good thing, Yeah? It's a fresh start."

Harry nods and smiles, "yeah it's a good thing. But I'm gonna miss it I have memories here."

"We can always come back. We have Liam, Zayn, Cara, and Niall. All our friends are here." Louis says.

"And my mom." Harry mutters.

Louis pulls away for a second and looks at Harry's face, Harry is looking down and away from Louis questioning gaze.

"What?" Louis ask.

"Uh, I talked to her, like, last month I think. She, uh, apologized to me." Harry says, "I haven't quite forgiven her but she said that dad has abused her and she was scared and threatened and I figured I shouldn't hold a grudge."

Louis eyes brows squint together in confusion and hurt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Harry sighs and shrugs, "I'm still pissed about it, with her, and I needed to get my shit together. I didn't know what to think."

"And you know now?" Louis asks, pulling Harry closer to him and give Harry assurance that he isn't angry.

Harry nods, "I want her to be apart of my life. I think I just need some time to forgive her."

Louis kisses Harry's temple and they sit on the sheet-less bed cuddling

"Can I meet her?" Louis asks, "do you think she would want to meet me? Is she gonna have an issue with the whole gay thing?"

Harry shrugs, "um I told her we were dating and she seemed pretty uncomfortable. We should probably give her time, yeah?"

Louis nods and hums before saying, "we should probably finish packing up your stuff."

"Yeah." Harry says, but they make no attempt to move. They just sit on the bed leaning against each other.

Twenty minutes later they finally get off the bed. Louis and Harry finish packing up the last of their stuff and stuff it into the moving truck the rented. Louis jumps into the front of the moving truck while Harry drives this car to their new apartment.

Gemma is meeting them at the apartment to help unload their stuff. The moving truck company charges hourly so they would like to get this done as son as possible. The drive to their apartment is two hours.
Louis and Harry's new house looks like home in no time. Harry adds his own flair to the house; in the living room is and odd mural of cats on the wall and an elephant statue that looks much larger in real life than it did online. The bedroom smells like harryandlouis and the bathroom has both of their stuff combined and they had just started dating and things are moving fast but it's perfect.

Harry has two months until his first semester of college starts and he wants to spend it experiencing. Harry goes to clubs with Gemma, gets tattoos with Liam, smokes pot with Zayn and Louis, works out with Cara, and gets pissed with Niall. Even though two hours separate Harry and some of his friends it doesn't stop them from hanging out. They go to bars and clubs and parks anywhere between the towns. Moving away just gave them more places to go to and Harry hasn't been happier.

Louis recently got a job at a psych ward about twenty minutes away. It has been exhausting to say the least. Louis works with people of all ages, teaching them how to use art as a form of self expression and a coping mechanism. Louis is learning how to not get attached to the people who come there because he knows they won't stay forever, they stay three weeks at the most. Louis works every weekday nine A.M. to three P.M. and he couldn't be happier with the hours. He has weekends with Harry and a lot of time in the afternoon and it's perfect.

Except when Louis breaks down because holy shit one of his patients killed herself two days ago and Louis just found out and he doesn't know what to do.

eighteen // larry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now