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Authors note: so the plot from here on out will probably be short and shit. I think I just wanna finish out the story tbh. I love everyone who is reading this story ❤️❤️

The next day Harry wakes up with a sore bum and a smile on his face. Louis was next to him sleeping quietly. Harry gets out of bed to pee and brush his teeth, then goes to the kitchen to make breakfast for Louis. Yesterday was stressful and Harry couldn't be more thankful for Louis and how he took care of him. Harry wanted to make Louis breakfast to thank him.

Harry figures Louis would be asleep for another hour, at least. It was only eight in the morning, after all, and it was a weekend. On days like these Louis sleeps in until about nine or ten.

Harry mixes muffin mix together puts them in the oven in a record time of ten minutes. Once Harry has set a timer he grabs his phone and looks through the text he's gotten. One is from Gemma and the other is from Cara.

The one from Gemma reads: hey you didn't call me like we planned. Is everything good?

Harry texts her back telling her that something happened and he will call her later to update her. The text from Cara was just her saying that Louis had told her everything and she hopes he is alright. Harry doesn't reply to her text, figuring that he will just call her later anyways.

Harry scrolls through his social media for about ten minutes until the timer on his phone goes off. Harry gets the muffins out of the oven and leave them in the pan to cool. While harry is waiting for Louis to get up he cleans the kitchen a little; putting away bread, sweeping, and even rinsing out the sink. Harry has always loved a clean house, especially when he is feeling anxious.

It's not that Harry feels especially anxious today, he just feels a little off. He feels like he should be busy, like he should be doing something. He feels like this often, like once a month, so he doesn't dwell too much.

Louis gets up about ten minutes after Harry decided to sit on the couch again. Harry had put on the news in order to drown out the silence in the house.

"Hey babe." Louis says as he runs to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Louis doesn't give Harry time to respond before closing the door.

Harry sighs and grabs two plates and puts three muffins on both of them and pour each of them a glass of milk. Harry lays the plate and cup on the table before sitting down and waiting for Louis to come out of the bathroom.

Louis eventually does come out and he sits next to harry, asking Harry how he feels.

"Good." Harry says with a smile, "a little off, for some reason. But I'm happy."

Louis nods and takes a bit of his muffin, "thanks for the muffins. They're really good."

Harry reply's with a simple 'You're welcome' before eating his muffins.

"So how about we call the realtor and check out the apartment we looked at yesterday?" Louis asks Harry.

Harry nods with his mouthful. Her swallows his food before saying, "yeah, and we can have lunch with Gemma or your mom or something."

They sit and eat in silence. Yesterday is still on their minds and Louis can't help but feel concern for Harry. How can he act so normal after yesterday?

Harry doesn't seems to notice Louis stares of concern because he is on the phone with a realtor. He is on the phone for about five minutes, half way through the phone call he stands up to get a pad of paper to write a few things down.

Louis finished his food and takes his plate and places it in the sink on top of Harry's. Louis sits on the stool again next to Harry, and sighs. Something doesn't feel right about today, he should talk to Harry about his dad and how he's feeling. They haven't even talked about the apartment they are going to buy together or their future plans or anything. Louis can't help but feel anxious and guilty. Should Harry really follow Louis to another town?

Harry hangs up the phone and leans against Louis, oblivious to his concerns.

"So they said that we can go by at around 3-ish in the afternoon." Harry says, "so I was thinking we leave in about an hour so we have time for a quick lunch with gems and then we can head back."

Louis nods, "sounds perfect, we should get ready, Yeah?"

Harry nods, "mhm, imma go shower."

Louis smiles and nods, watching harry jump off the stool and strut to the bathroom, before he shuts the door he says, "would you like to join me?"

Louis can worry and feel guilty later, because right now he's got a shower to get to.
The apartment, Harry decides, is perfect. There's a little deck to sit out on, two bed rooms, a large bathroom (equipped with a separate bathtub), it's pre furnished (with flatscreen tv), and it has a large kitchen. It makes Harry wonder how it could be so cheap. Of course it need a new paint job, the curtains are old a ripped, there seems to be a pee stain on the carpet in one of the bed rooms, the toilet moves, and the cabinets are falling off the hinges, but all of this is fixable.

When Harry and Louis are in the car on their way home, Harry voices his thought on the house, and it's perfection.

Louis doesn't seem half as excited, though.

Harry frowns, "what wrong?"

Louis shrugs, "I don't know if we should do this."

"Do what?" Harry questions quickly, "get the apartment? We could always look at others."

"No, not that. I don't know if you should move with me." Louis pauses and waits for Harry to say something, but when he doesn't louis continues, "it's, just, you are following me to another town and you are buying an apartment with me and you chose the school you're going to because of me. What if something happens and this all goes down the drain?"

"Do you think something is going to happen, Louis?" Harry asks aggressively.

"No, I just don't want all of your decisions to be based around me." Louis says, "I don't want you to regret anything."

"I won't." Harry reply's. "And not everything is about you, Lou. My sister lives there too, it's a bigger city and I want to go to a bigger city, the college campus is beautiful and they have good courses. I'm doing this because I want to. I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for me."

Louis nods, "what if you want to live back with your mom? Now that your dad is gone."

Harry blinks, he isn't sure where this question came from or why he is asking it to begin with, "I would never move back in with my mom. She just let dad kick me out, supported it even, she is just as bad as him. Plus my dad will only be in jail for, like, a year, or less. So it doesn't matter anyways, I just want out of this shitty town."

Louis sighs, "while we are on the topic, why didn't you tell the police about how your dad cut your back? And why didn't you file a restraining order? I mean I know it's your decision but I want you to be safe."

"Uhm." Harry says slowly, he shuts his eyes and thinks about the questions, because honestly he doesn't know why, "I don't know. I didn't want to push anything I just want him out of my life."

Louis nods but doesn't say anything. They sit in silence for a couple minutes before Harry asks, "are you mad at me? Because I didn't want a restraining order?"

"No, babe." Louis says with a small smile and hold his hand over the center consul of the car, "I just want you to feel safe."

Harry squeezes Louis hand and says cheekily, "I always feel safe with I'm with you."

"Okay, Harry Styles," Louis laughs, "tone it down a notch."

eighteen // larry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now