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Gemma's pov

Mum came to my room looking worried.

"Can you check on Melanie"she asked. Harry looked confused and I nodded.

"Yeah where is she"I asked.

"The bathroom downstairs"I walked to the bathroom and heard her pacing back and forth. I knocked on the door but she didn't answer nor did she say anything. I kept knocking until I started screaming her name. By now I was freaking out. Mum and Harry came with worried expression on their faces.

"She won't answer me"I yelled.

"Move to the side"Harry said. I nodded and Harry busted down the door just as Melanie's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started falling to the floor but Harry caught her on time.

"Take her to the couch"mum said.She was worried more than ever. Harry carried Melanie to the couch and mum came back with a damp towel and put it on her forehead. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up. But her breathing became shallower and slower and we dialed an ambulance where she started flatlining.

Melanie's pov

Everything was bright then everything started to look different. It looked like the apartment I lived in before I had to move.

I walked in to the living room and saw my dad on the couch.

"D-daddy??"I croaked. He looked up and smiled. I ran to him and hugged him. I smelt his old cologne. I reached his chest. He was like 6'2 while I was stuck at 5'7.

"Hey girlie"I giggled at the nickname he gave me. Since I was never a girlie girl he thought it would be funny to call me girlie.

"Hey daddy"I said. We pulled apart and sat on the couch.

"Where am I"I asked.

"This is heaven. Well at least what we want heaven to look like"I looked at him confused.

"Why am I here??"I asked.

"Melanie"oh crud he used my full name. He usually calls me Mel,Mellie, girlie, or pumpkin. Never Melanie unless it was something serious. "Your dead. Your heart started having problems and on your way to the hospital you flatlined and died. But you can change that. You can fight and survive but your holding back why?? You have Juilliard. You have your new friend Gemma along with Anne. You can't leave them behind. And what about your dream."

"Dad I can't go back. Mom and Adam will keep beating me. I don't want to go back there. Of course I want to go to Juilliard and I'm as happy as can be that I made a friend but dad I can't go back there"

"Girlie don't worry about them it will all be over soon. Trust me. I will be with you always have and as I promised I always will. This all gets better."tears streamed down my face.

"Will I ever see you again"I asked.

"You will in your dreams every night. But you have to try and sleep. And leave daddy to fight off the nightmares but you need to help me. And don't be depressed girlie it's not your fault I died. Nothing was your fault. Heck it wasn't mine either. We were hit by a drunk driver. But you have to promise me you will get better"I nodded.

"I promise daddy. Just don't leave me again. I can't lose you again"I buried my faces in his chest as he held me in his arms and rubbed my back.

"I'm not going anywhere girlie I promised didn't I "

Gemma's pov

We were in the waiting room to see what was going on with Melanie. We have been waiting for hours.

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