Part Two

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Two months later in London

"Jazz! Tap! Break! Lyrical! Ballet! Salsa! Tango! Twerk!"I stopped and looked at my instructor jay and gave him a what the fuck look.
"I blanked on a type of dance"I chuckled and fixed my shorts.
"Go put on your pointe shoes because your ballet technique needs work girl"
So after another 2 hours of vigorous work and technique workouts I was able to go home which happened to be with my uncle si. My mother and Adam have yet to come here but Simon says my mother calls him constantly asking for money. Gemma had to go back to work and Harry was here in London recording his album and we would hang out if our schedules allowed us too. Speaking of which I did take my uncle up on his offer. You are looking at Uncle Si's triple threat. I can sing dance and act and if you are wondering yes I am working on an album with the help of 4 very attractive Aussies also known as 5 seconds of summer. I met them awhile back and they like to say they are 'punk rock' but in reality they act like cupcakes which is funny but all in all they are amazing guys. Harry has been seeing a new lady friend which I don't mind but when we do have time to hang out he blows me off. That little shit. He knows that's my biggest pet peeve but no worries. He will get a taste of his own medicine and then who will be the one that's sorry? Not me of course. Okay maybe I am a bit hurt he's blowing me off but then again I do have a crush on Harry so can you blame me? And his new lady friend is a model and I'm just blah. Sucks major ass being in the friend zone.

*later on that day*
"Uncle Simon I'm home!" I yelled. I live with my uncle. Mom wasn't too happy about it either but she can choke on a bag of dicks. Last time we spoke she said since she's my guardian I have to give her part of my earning. Yeah not going to happen. I walked into the kitchen to see Harry just standing there eating my bag of chips. MY bag of chips. I dropped all my stuff and just stared at him.
"Hey Mellie" he said. He gave me his dazzling smile. But I'm too mad to even be bothered by it. He walked towards me to give me a hug but I stepped back.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"What's wrong? What's wrong?!?! You blow me off for the past two months to hang out with your new model lady friend and when I do finally see you you're standing in my kitchen eating MY bag of chips! Get out!" He looked shocked that I yelled at him. Then he gets a big cocky smile on his face. I so want to punch him right now.
"You're jealous aren't you?" He asked. He stepped closer to me.
"Jealous? Of course not Harold. You can screw whatever the fuck you want. But I draw the line at you making plans with me then blowing me off the day of and lying to me why!" He shoved him away from me and started walking towards the stairs.
"You really are mad with me aren't you?" He asked seriously.
"No shit Harold" I walked up the stairs and towards my room which I locked so he couldn't get in.
I threw my duffel bag in the closet. I grabbed fresh clothes to put because mine are covered in sweat. I changed and headed down stairs to see Gemma at the bottom of the stairs with a stern look. I gave her a cheeky smile but it didn't work. Beside her I saw Harry with his head low.
"You guys need to talk" she said.
"There's nothing to talk about. What is there to talk about? He blew me off. End of story. I have plans anyway. Which I'm going to run late for if I
don't leave soon" I lied. I don't have any plans. But they don't know that.
"But we we-"Harry started.
"Sorry guys. It's a dance thing you guys wouldn't like it anyway. Right Harry " I interrupted. I grabbed my keys and left.

Harry's pov
"See what you did Harry"Gemma yelled at me. I looked at the floor. Feeling like a complete asshole.
"I di-"
"If the next words that are coming out of your mouth are I didn't do anything then I suggest you stay quiet because I will smack you" Gemma threatened. "Because you did do something. And I'm betting it has to do with Nadine" I lowered my head even lower.
"OH MY GOD IT DOES!" That's when I felt the smack on the back of my head.
"She wanted to hang out and I forgot I had plans with Mel" I felt her hit me again. "Okay. Maybe more than one time" she hit me again.
"Harry! You little shit. Why?? You don't do that to someone you like" that's when I cringed. She's right.
"I couldn't wait for her for forever Gemma. Nadine likes me. So what. I'm just having a little fun"
"A little fun! Mel likes you!" I looked at her shocked.
"Mel likes you. She has for awhile now. But you blowing her off is making her and you more distant. Harry. You can't do this" I know she's right. It's not fair.
"Look Mel has an album release party next week."
"She does?"
"Yeah she does. But I guess she hasn't told you because you've been blowing her off. But go. I'll ask Simon to get you in" I nodded. That was the only thing I could do at this point without getting smacked.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in like what seems forever. My job has been kicking my ass and so has school. So I'm juggling having a job, school work, and a boyfriend. Which is hard to do sometimes but I manage.  But I thought you guys would love to have an update especially on a cliffhanger.

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