Authors note

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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I've been having a hard time lately. Let's just say my summer wasn't what I expected. I was used by a boy that I fell for and well it didn't end so well. We were like brother and sister and then I started having feelings for him and then he found out and well he told me he had feelings for me and well we kissed and he was my first kiss. Then he got back together with his ex the very next day. We didn't talk for a week and I was devastated. I didn't eat I couldn't sleep. I just stayed in bed staring at my ceiling. Then we talked and things went back to normal. Then the second week of July he spent the night and he tried to kiss me. I told him I wasn't going to be his side chick cause basically that's what I felt e was treating me as. He only talked to me when him and his girl friend were fighting. So I told him that and well he didn't talk to me for a week. Well my best friend asked him why he didn't talk to me and he basically told her to F off and that he didn't care about me. And well she showed me the messages. And I fell into a deep depression. I actually started cutting. My friends say I've changed but for the worst. Now I'm not telling you this so I can get attention and I don't want your pity either. I'm doing this for me. So I can let it out instead of keeping it bottled. And what better way to do that to strangers who don't know me. Now I'm sorry for not updating and I should update by Tuesday being the latest.

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