Wait what?? Part one

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*the next day*

"What do you mean she said 'no'" Gemma asked.

"She declined the offer"Harry simply said. Gemma looked at me as if I was an alien. I just kept on eating chips and watching Ghost Ship. I was at the part where Katie shows Epps what happened on the ship and how everyone died. Call me crazy but this is actually my favourite movie and this is actually my favourite scene plus Desmond Harrington back then was kinda cute. Which reminds me I need to finish Dexter on Netflix. C'mon dexter is bad ass and hot.

"Mel are you paying attention"Gemma asked.

"Sorry no I'm fan girling over you know what nevermind"I stopped mid sentencing and stopped my self from looking more of an idiot.

"How can you decline your uncles offer"Gemma asked.

"You just answered your own question"I simply stated. I kept looking at the tv but Gemma was getting in the way so I had to keep moving but everytime I moved she moved. I gave up and just paused the movie and gave her my attention.

"How did I-"

"He's my uncle. I'm related to him. If you found out that your niece or your own kid had a musical talent and you so happened to own a music company wouldn't you give them a contract?"I asked interrupting her.

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing. I want to make it on my own not just cause my uncle just so happens to be simon cowell plus it's not the first time I have rejected him. I rejected him when I was 12 and I'll reject him again at 17"I interrupted. Right as I said that another rant broke out in which I tuned out and started thinking of music and then I got a beat and slowly after started getting lyrics in my head. I got off the couch and sprinted to my room which wasn't a good idea because hardwood flooring plus socks plus me equals me falling on my ass, getting up , and slipping and sliding till I get to the guest room that I was staying in.

I took out my journal and keyboard set them on the bed and jotted down what I had come up with.

"When you're gone, the pieces of my heart is missing you. When you're gone, the face I came to know is missing too. When you're gone, the words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it okay. I miss you." I had scribbles and eraser marks everywhere by the time I had finished that small piece and it was as close to perfect as I could get it.

When I finished putting back my stuff I saw Gemma and Harry at the door.

"Was that for your dad"Harry asked.

"No it was inspired by him though. I had made two songs for him before he died and while he was dieing I think the one before he died that that was made for him because he helped me"I said.

"Can we hear it"they asked.

"Maybe some other time"I said. They nodded and sat with me on the bed.

"If you are here to say that I was a dumbass for declining my uncles offer. Don't waste your breath I'm still going to say no"

"Just think about it Mel. What if -what if he is the only offer you will get and now that you have declined you have missed your chance."Harry said. Curly's got a point.

"And maybe if you do get an offer after signing with your uncle you guys can make an agreement if you want to change labels then you can and your uncle might understand." Gemma said.

Styles siblings-2


"C'mon Mel just think about it. Simon said you have until 8 to make a definite decision meaning you have 4 hours to decide and either way we will back you up"Harry said. I smiled at both of them. I sat up and went to the living room to finish my movie.

*later on the day*

After thinking and analyzing a lot I made my decision. I changed (picture above) and met Gemma and Harry in the living room. Since I still didn't know my way around London Harry decided to drive me to my uncles office. Gemma tagged along claiming she didn't want to stay by herself.

Once we made it to Simons office we asked his receptionist if we could see him. She was nice and not at all slutty or rude. If that sounds sarcastic then sorry to burst your bubble but I'm being honest most receptionist I met are both a) rude b) slutty or c) both a and b.

Once we got into Simons office he got off the phone and motioned for us to sit.

"So Melanie finally made your decision"he had a wide grin on his face.

"Yes I have and I've decided...."

CLIFFHANGER. Sorry just had to. So I was wondering what do you guys want her decision to be?? I will upload part two when I have the time. Later.

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