Insanity is Fun

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April 25th

It's been 5 days since they might have seen my arm. I've only been getting worse. I never let on though. They don't know how many times I break down at five in the morning. I make sure they are all asleep first, but it is killing me. Someday, soon, I am going to break. They walls are going to fall when they are awake. They ar going to see the true extent of my inhumanity.

I have been growing less and less human now I think about it. I have been talking to the voice more, listening to it, conversing calmly sometimes. I don't eat as much, sometimes not at all. I don't drink unless I really need something to wake me up.

'That is because you have accepted me you idiot! Ha! You think I was actually being nice. Naive little girl! It was all a plan. When you proved strong against peer pressure, I had to change tactic. Now you are not even human! Pathetic!' the voice yelled at me. It's the middle of the afternoon and everyone is awake, we are all playing against each other on the PlayStation. I don't remember the game...

'No I just thought you might have grown up a bit! I mean, praying on someone at, literally, their weakest time in their life. What are you? A freaking leach?" I ask rudely.

'I bet you wish I was you freak. You have this thing for blood, so doesn't that make you a leach? Doesn't that make you the same as me? Pathetic truly pathetic! Everyone knows that! That's why they don't care about your self-harm, your growing social with drawl, you weakness, your excursion. Your being. You existence. You are pathetic! You cling onto the hope that doesn't even exist anymore! The hope that someone likes you! Well, you know what they do when you aren't around. Mock you! They are just like those "friends" you had in primary! Remember them? I know you do! They thought you were pathetic too! Worthless pieces of shit don't need to exist!' the voice was yelling at me.

There is a loud screeching noise going on. I'm about to scream this has never happened. I feel so angry, no I feel fucking pissed. So pissed I could actually kill. I clench my hands around the remote. I feel it snap beneath my hand.

Cursing I try to calming say, "I'm going to the bathroom."

I fail at calmness. I get to the bathroom and look in the mirror to only see something new about me. My eyes seem to be glowing all different shades of grey, the colours swirling together. This just seems to be making me more pissed.

Growling lowly. I pace around the bathroom.

"You think you can bully me into this? Well fuck you! Fucking challenge accepted! I'm going to hell already anyway right?" I smirk mumbling. But this isn't me anymore. This is a hell version of me. Everything is topsy-turvy. My bloodlust is back, but this time I have the strength to actually do it. It's not a want though. It is a need.

'That's my girl!' the voice purrs into my head. Now though, it's not just a voice. There is another person in the bathroom with me. It's me, but darker, more deathlike. Grey eyes like the ones I saw in the mirror, dark almost black hair, dark makeup, and if it is even possible darker clothes.

"Now," I mutter darkly, I don't even recognise myself at this point, "what should I do first?"

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