Never Enough

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Paris **

Walking down the streets of Hollis Avenue with the sun beaming on the top of my head was killer. But I'm not gonna lie i looked good it was a hot summer day i had on black shorts , a white tank top and my black and white toms. Sitting down on a bench in the park i waited for my friend Jay to come meet me. I looked up and saw this fine light skin stud her hair was freshly braided and she had on black true religion shorts a white shirt gucci belt and gucci sneakers i instantly grew attracted knowing she had swag. I dug in my bag to apply a coat if my favorite mac red lipstick Ruby Woo when the sun faded away. I looked up into the gorgeous stud and dropped my bag bringing me out of my trance. "Hey gorgeous you okay? You lost? " she asked picking up my stuff and putting it back into my Michael Kors bag i smiled and looked at my fingers "No I'm fine just waiting for my friend thank you for you know picking up my stuff ...umm ill see you around." I walked out the park and saw my best friend Jay cheesing at me i blushed knowing he saw me talking to the mystery girl..damn i didn't get her name . I looked back to find her but she had vanished just like that she was gone. I hated being around Jay's friends they always tried to talk to me and i cant lie they were cute but they were all players and i didn't wanna get hurt. I sat down in Dunkin Donuts on my phone when i heard the bells on the door indicating someone had came in , i payed it no mind and kept on instagram.

Taye **

When i walked in Dunkin Donuts with my bro Alex i saw that beautiful girl from the park. I had seen her before i knew she wasn't lost i just wanted her to talk to me. She was sitting alone so i decided to go over and introduce myself the correct way. I pulled out the chair in front of her and pushed her phone down towards the table away from her beautiful face. "So we meet again?" I smiled and she returned smiles "Yea i guess we do I'm Paris" she held out her freshly manicured nails to shake my hand "Taye" i winked and kissed her hand she blushed and two deep dimples popped out her cheeks she was like a china doll. She looked about 17, 5'5 , caramel soft skin, nice plump breast and ass to go along with it. Shawty was bad and i wasn't gonna let her out my life that easy. "So Paris how about i get your number so i can get to know you more and maybe take you on a date" she hesitated at first and took my iPhone typing her number into it. My bro Alex called me saying she was gonna leave me so i looked back in Paris' eyes "ill call you tonight" i got up and kissed her cheek then left. My bro was leaning against her car laughing "What about Laysia ya girlfriend you forgot about her ?" I laughed "nah we breaking up tonight that girl is something serious." We sat in the car as Paris and some guy walked out Dunkin Donuts i almost broke my neck trying to watch her walk away it felt like she was walking out my life so i decided to text her. "Hey gorgeous " i looked up at her standing at the 77 bus stop reading her messages and noticed she was smiling , i got out the car and walked over to her "im not following you but i wanted to know if you needed a ride you to beautiful to be on a bus " i grabbed her hand into mine she looked at the guy and told him she had a way home . I walked her over to Alex's car and got in the back seat with her introducing them. The whole ride she was cuddled under me telling me all about her i could get use to this .

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