Chapter 11

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Taye **

I stayed at Paris' house for two days till she told me her dad was coming home. She still didn't know that me and him weren't the best of friends and never will be.

I got off the bed and began putting on my sneakers , as she laid behind me covering her exposed body.

I got up and kisses her lips then her head and told her bye while closing her room door. When i got outside it was a beautiful day and i wasn't about to let that waste. I checked my phone and i had missed calls from unsaved numbers. I sat in my car and looked through my contacts and realized half of them was gone mostly the girl ones


I hit my hand on the steering wheel and began my journey to my trap.

Dana **

I haven't heard from or seen Paris since that night she was crying on the sidewalk and honestly i couldn't get her off my mind. She was gorgeous , her long caramel legs , beautiful jet black hair and her full lips ran through my mind over and over . I ran my finger over her name and pressed it waiting for her response.

"Hey Stranger " her voice rang threw my ears making my heart melt

"Hey beautiful i haven't seen you in a while i was wondering could you come over and chill with me"

"Umm yeah sure let me get dressed and send me the address"

I got out my bed and began lighting candles then called for a order of pizza.

When she finally got here she looked gorgeous she had on a loose fitted tank top , some distressed jeans and this teal sneakers and a messy bun. She walked inside and took off her shoes getting comfortable. We sat and talked and ate for hours when her phone rang , she rose off the couch and put her finger up at me

"Hey Baby "

I heard her say i got up and walked to the hallway looking at her she smiled at me and i returned one. Longer and longer there conversation got and i was getting madder by the minute.
I walked over to her and grabbed her phone "Hang it up" she looked at me weird and proceeded to talk .

I grabbed her arm and twisted it taking her phone and slamming it on the ground as she cried out in pain. "Come back on the couch" she looked so scared as she walked slowly back to the couch. I grabbed her arm and began kissing her she kicked me off her and ran for the door i grabbed my gun and hit her hard with it "I don't like runners Paris."

Taye **

"TAYE!" She screamed while she was on the phone with me. I jumped up and checked my tracking device i had on her car and drove to the address. I grabbed my gun from under the seat and walked to the door where i heard her screaming. I busted in and held my gun out before walking inside then closing the door.

"Don't move " a girl holding Paris around her neck at gun point.
Paris looked at me with pleading eyes and i dropped my gun and ran for the girl. We hassled for a while before i finally got a hold of her gun. She pointed it as i was choking her and ...

Jay **

"Ms. Im here to see my best friend she was just admitted here gun shot
womb" i stood at the desk shaking.

Why would anyone shoot Paris ?

"Ms.Jackson is still in surgery but the family is in the waiting area."

I ran over to everybody and looked at them all in tears and i saw Taye sitting in a corner on the floor covered in blood. I walked over to her and sat next to her.

"I tried to help her i didn't mean for Paris to get shot. Man that bullet was for me i should be back there not Paris" i sighed and hugged Taye even though she didn't like to be touched this was all we had right now.
Family & Friends .


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