Chapter 15

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Taye **

I was going away on a business trip so i left my best friend Alex to watch over Paris. She's being acting really distant towards me and im not sure why but thats gotta change.

This trip was also going to help me clear my head and hopefully make me finally realize i devoted my life to this girl and i cant fuck this up for anything. From the first day i laid eyes on Paris i knew she was the one.

I laid on the bed trapped in my thoughts and looked towards the door as Paris walked in.

"You okay?" She asked climbing next to me , i grabbed her hand and held it to my heart "Perfect now" i smiled and kissed her lips.

"Do you have everything ?" Paris asked helping me get my bags to the car. "Baby i got it. Now ima be gone for about 2 weeks don't do anything i wouldn't do Alex gonna be here to keep you company i love you i gotta , go lock up the house after you get inside" she kissed me and hugged me tight then went inside , i waited till i heard the three beats indicating the alarm was set and got in the black truck waiting for me.

Paris **

Day four since Taye was on her trip and honestly i miss her so much. Alex comes every now and then shes really funny , cool to be around and we grew a pretty tight bond

"Paris where you at?" I heard her yell from downstairs. Taye was right she never lets me leave her sight. "Alex " i smiled running into her arms. "I got you breakfast."

We sat and ate and talked about how her and Taye met and became best friends. But i never once heard her say she was happy Taye asked me to marry her.

"Alex your gonna be in our wedding right?" I looked at her as she looked at her food and moved her eggs from corner to corner in her takeout box. "I don't want to do that but i have to thats my best friend"

"But why can't you?!" I asked curious to know and upset at the same time. "Because ... Uhh..." She leaned it and before i knew it our lips were touching and at first i gave in but then resisted.

"Alex you should go" i got up still shocked at what happened and how Taye would react. Watching Alex leave i felt these feelings in my stomach. I cant lie I use to have a big crush on Alex when i use to see her hanging with Jay , but she would never pay me any mind.

I ran to my room as "I Won" by Future played and Taye's picture popped up.

"Baby i miss you so much when are you coming home"

"Damn it sound like you going through something over there missing me that much? "

"When are you coming back?"

"Baby girl in a few days just hold it down for me. You mine forever right?"

"Yes Baby I cant wait till you get home i love you so much and be safe"

"I love you so much more baby girl and im always safe"

We disconnected the call and i laid on my bed watching tv , today was going to be a very chill day.

* * *

Well since me and Alex kissed we hang out so much more. She took me shopping twice and slept over one night. I don't know if i honestly like Alex or i just miss Taye but right now i like being spoiled by Alex.

Im actually waiting for her now she is taking me to this italian restaurant. I sat impatiently on the steps outside waiting till finally her Silver maybach pulled up. I got in and smiled at her "Wassup Baby girl?" We hugged and i sighed "I just wish Taye was back already." She drove off speeding and i could tell she was upset.

"Look Alex you know i was with Taye first you just have to accept what we have right now" i rubbed her free hand and smiled.

We got to the restaurant and it was beautiful but no one was there. "Alex i think it's closed , No one is here."
"Nah ma i rented the place out just us tonight" i blushed on the inside but i knew she saw because she rubbed my cheeks.

Sitting down our meal was ready in front of us. We ate and talked until i couldn't eat anymore and we were a little tipsy so we both were ready to go home.

We kissed from the car to the door as i struggled to get the key in the lock. Finally getting the door open Alex lifted me up and carried me to my room and got me completely naked , then buried her face between my legs.

Alex **

I woke up to Paris laying on my chest naked wrapped in the sheets. I looked down and realized i only had on my sports bra and boxers.

"Shit" i cursed under my breath. How could i do this to my best friend , Man Taye is going to kill me when she gets back...

If she doesn't find out before she gets back.


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