Chapter 18

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Taye **

I woke up early and left so Paris wouldn't try to ask where i was going. I was so pissed off at her i didn't even let her in our room i locked the door.

I drove up the driveway and walked to the door ringing the bell.

"Who's there?" I heard her voice say

"Yo its Taye open the door "

Alex opened the door and smiled holding out her hand to do our handshake , i walked past her and sat on the couch not trying to bullshit around.

She stood at the door for a while and finally came and sat down

"Wassup ? You don't just make surprise visits"

"I wanna know what happened when i left and i told you to watch Paris"

I looked at her and she looked right in my eyes and lied

"Taye nothing happened i just came checked on her and left"

I clinched my teeth and balled up my fist

"Alex stop fucking lying yo"

I got up walking towards her i could see the fear in her eyes. I sat on the table in front of her and stared deep in her eyes.

"Wtf happened while i was gone?!"

"Nothing Taye.... what did Paris tell you?"

I got up and punched her in her face getting angrier by the second

"I wanted to come to you first to see if you would tell me the truth but clearly our friendship and my relationship doesn't mean anything to you"

I punched her with everything in me , she held her jaw looking at me shocked. I put the dvd of her and paris fucking on her screen.

"That look like nothing to you ?!"

I took my gun and held it up to her shaking and tears filling my eyes.

"I thought we was best friends Alex. Nothing was going to get between us , Nothing"

I shook my head and put the gun down

"Im not gonna kill you because my pride won't let me but i want you to stay away from me and Paris. "

I walked out her house and got in my car driving to my house.

Paris **

I sat on the couch holding one of the throw pillows waiting for Taye to walk through the door.

I watched the locks turn and she walked in with blood on her hands i swallowed the lump in my throat as she gave me a death glare.

"So you gonna tell me the truth about what happened when i was away?"

She stood in the bathroom door bandaging her bruised knuckles and looking at me. I looked down and closed my eyes

"Me and Alex had sex ... Not once twice"

I felt her hands wrap around my neck and my eyes flew wide open. I looked at her and saw her face covered in tears.

She let me go and leaned on the wall covering her face crying. I sighed and listened to her cry.

"Taye im sorry"

She looked up and her eyes were dark red

"Get out. Since you couldnt wait for me to come back go be with Alex and help her ice her jaw"

She got up and walked to what use to be our room and slammed the door locking it.

Alex **

I layed on the couch watching the tape Taye put in my dvd player till it made my blood boil.


I screamed and kicked the tv screen. How could i do my best friend like this , i fucked up our friendship for a girl. How can i make this right how can i make her forgive me.

Deep in thought my door bell rang

"If i hear one more fucking bell i swear ! Who the fuck is it ?!"

"Alex? Its Paris please open the door"

I could hear her crying and i opened the door and she flew in my arms breaking down. I sighed and moved her off me.

"We cant do this anymore i need my best friend , my ride or die , my day one. This. What we had is done Paris for real."

I opened the door back for her to leave and she just stared at me before leaving and going to her car.

I flopped back on the couch and poured myself a shot and waited for the burning feeling to die down

" This is gonna be a long couple of days , weeks , shit maybe even months." I thought to myself


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