Chapter 14

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Taye **

Ever since Paris got home from the hospital she can only sleep if she's laying on my chest. Whenever i leave the guards i have watching the house always say she has nightmares and wakes up screaming. So lately all i do i stay inside with her we haven't really did anything exciting so tonight the carnival was in town and i decided to take her.

"Baby wake up " i rubbed her forehead as she slept holding on to me for dear life.

She lifted her head up and looked around rubbing sleep out of her eyes "Come on lets get you in the tub." I stripped her and lifted her up bridal style and sat her in the rose and bubble filled tub.

I got up to leave her alone

"Baby can you get in with me " i smiled and climbed in behind her massaging her back.

We stayed in the bath for an hour and she ended up getting lazy so i wrapped her in a towel and carried her out the room

"Paris hurry up we gonna be late" i yelled at the bottom of the stairs . I smiled as she came out her room wearing

Black shorts

Red shirt


I looked shocked and rolled my neck like yall girls do "You stole my outfit girl."

Black Jeans

Red Shirt


We shared a laugh and got in the car on our journey to the carnival.

I parked the car and got out helping Paris. We walked side by side with our fingers locked together.

We stood on the line for a roller coaster and no lie i was scared i hated these things. We finally got seated and strapped in and i looked at Paris then kissed her lips

"I Love You"

"I Love You Too"

Soon the ride began and it started off slow i began to get comfortable and then out of nowhere the ride just goes crazy flips and turns. Screams echoed from all over.


I screamed at the top of my lungs , how do people enjoy this . Paris was in tears from laughing so hard. As the ride finally stopped i unstrapped myself and ran off the ride so happy to feel the ground again. I waited for Paris and held her hand again and she let it go.

"Why are you shaking ?" She laughed in my face. I rolled my eyes leaving her standing there.

Paris **

I was having so much fun with Taye at the carnival. She was so scared on the ride it was so cute my little baby. I stopped looking up at this huge hello kitty teddy bear as soon as i looked over for Taye she had already began playing the game and she was winning.

I cheered for her hoping she would win and she did. I screamed and grabbed the hello kitty holding it to me. Taye laughed and grabbed my arm to a air brush tattoo place.

"Babe why don't you just get a real tattoo like you have?"

"I wanna see how your name would look on me first."

I smiled a little to myself and watched the lady sketch my name on her neck. When she finished i sat down and got Taye's name but on my wrist.

She kissed me softly and held my hand as the lady finished and Taye paid her.

Taye **

I walked holding Paris hand and my phone rang recently me and Paris dad were finally working together and getting rid of our enemies like we should.


"Taye its Paris dad the WGN (Rival Gang) are at the carnival make it out of there and fast"

I sped up walking towards the exit as Paris looked at me weird i quickly hung up and the phone and ran getting in my car with Paris.

"Whats going on ?!"

"I just wanna make sure my Fiancée is safe thats all"

I looked at her and smiled looking in my rear view mirror and seeing the carnival set to flames. We got to my house and i sat on the couch. Paris looked at me and sighed "Will you ever get out of all that? The killing the running the hiding" I sighed and rubbed my face

"Do you wanna eat at night? Live in a beautiful house ? Have the wedding of your dreams? Maybe Even Have Kids ?" She sat quietly and looked down , then got off the couch walking to my room.

Paris **

I went to Taye's room and called my best friend

"Yo you a fool" he laughed in the phone


"Best friend are you busy?"

"Actually i was but I'm here now wassup?"

"I just got home from the carnival with Taye " i heard him sigh

"Jay why don't you like Taye? "

"I never said i didn't like Taye , shes my boss but what i don't like is that she asked you to marry her "

"I thought you were happy for me ?"

"I am happy just why couldn't that be me Paris? What is so wrong with me that i cant be in Taye's position

? Are you even ready to get married? Nevermind..."

There was silence and all i heard was kissing and low talking , then he spoke again

"Yo i gotta go "

"I Love you too best friend."

I hung up and looked at Taye as she got out the shower. "Whats wrong beautiful" she sat down and pulled me to her.

"I just wanna go shower and sleep" I got out her arms and took a shower thinking about what Jay said. Maybe he was right. Maybe i wasn't ready. When i got out the shower i laid down next to Taye and turned over looking at the wall. I felt her move closer to me and her arm wrap around me .

"Good night baby i love you"

"I love you too"

I was up for a while and finally i closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


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