Chapter 20

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Taye **

Well I'm sure your wondering did i forgive Paris and are we still getting married. I still don't fully forgive Paris but we still are getting married. I learned to forgive but never forget because after what happened to Alex i can't afford to loose anyone else.

Getting up i took the blunt from my lips and put it in the ashtray. I had just finished some business before Alex's funeral tomorrow.

Just as i was about to walk out my office Jay walked in and gave me a duffle bag. I smiled and switched his bag of money with a new bag of product and we proceeded out my office.

I got in my car and drove home tired and sore. Walking in my house i heard Paris singing and smiled seeing my food waiting for me. I heated it up and headed to our room eating.

Paris **

Writing the lyrics in my head on the blank piece of paper was difficult because every time i would start writing everything would leave and my mind would go blank.

I was trying to write a song for Alex's funeral to sing but it just simply wasn't working. Maybe i should just sing a song already written i thought throwing what had to be the 7th piece of crumbled paper across the room.

"I don't think this room can use anymore of your paper ball designs "

Taye said sitting down beside me eating the dinner i left her , smiling a little i pushed my notebook to the side and laid on her lap.

When i found out about Alex's death it tore me apart and it still does. It had to be my fault... Right ?

If i didn't sleep with Alex, Taye wouldn't have got mad and Alex wouldn't have killed herself. I can tell Taye is getting back to her old self , she stays out late and comes in days later smelling of different Perfumes mixed. But to be honest i think.. Shit i know i deserve it. What i did was so wrong on so many levels i don't know what came over me but it can't happen again i don't wanna almost loose Taye again.

Jay **

I stood at the door as they brought in Alex's white and gold casket placing it in front of the church she grew up in. People were already here from all over , some i knew and some i kept a close eye on.

I looked at the door and saw Taye and Paris coming up the stairs looking like a real power couple dressed in all black. Paris had on shades covering her eyes as she hugged me. I could tell Taye was upset she looked so worn out but she kept a smile on her face.

Taye **

I stood at the door till finally the family was walked in and our gang family followed behind.

To my surprise alot of Alex's real family came. They all looked alike or had some feature of Alex in them.

Paris walked up and her voice filled my ears along with sniffles and tears , She sounded beautiful. I looked at the casket and wiped the tear trying to escape my eye. Looking up at Paris she was in tears and finishing her song.

It was time for the burial and i watched as people put flowers on her casket. Laughing to myself i smiled Man if Alex saw all these flowers she would swear it was gay as hell.

I watched as they lowered her body into the ground and everyone got up to leave but i sat there and looked. No matter what we went through she's still my best friend and im going to always love and miss her.

Finally i felt the tears rolling down my cheek and i just let them fall. I was tired of trying to be brave and keep a smile on my face.


i screamed looking at the hole and her casket as they covered it in dirt.

Paris held me in her arms and we cried together.

"Baby i know it hurts just let it out" Paris said rubbing my back

I closed my eyes and mumbled in her chest still shocked staring at blank air as a tear fell

"My best friend is dead."


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