Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Paris **

Driving to my house i realized me and Dana had alot in common. We talked so long i didn't even realize we were outside till she said my house looked beautiful like myself. I blushed and got out , just as i was about to close the door Dana called me. I bent down to her car window


"You forgot ya phone"

i smiled and took it out her hands

"Thank you and Thanks for the ride" I walked inside and ran to my room to watch Dana drive off.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it and Dana's name popped up i blushed , she saved her number in my phone.

It was something about this girl that made me feel special i hope she wont hurt me like Taye did.

I sighed and stripped out my clothes i had on the night before then took a quick shower putting on sweat pants and a tank top even thought it was hot outside it was always cool in my house.

I dialed Jay's number and waited

Jay - Yo ?

Paris - Jay !! I miss you best friend

Jay- Yeah sure why you calling me ?

You not out with the "Fabulous Taye"

Paris - That's what i called to tell you about come over and bring snacks please ill be waiting Bye!

I hung up before he could answer and i knew he would say no but since he couldn't get his answer out i knew he would be coming soon.

Jay's my best friend i remember a while back i had a crush on him. He was just always there and i didn't have anyone that actually liked me for me they always wanted something out of me.

But Jay he stayed by myself and i love him for that even tho we disagree and argue and fight like brothers and sisters which we are , He's gonna always be my friend and i love him for that .

Jay (Paris Best Friend) **

I know yall prolly forgot about me but i was mentioned in the first chapter. Let me explain a little about myself im Jay Paris' best friend me and her been cool since we were babies.

But what nobody knew was i had the biggest crush on her and i didnt wanna tell her and ruin our friendship.

Oh and another shocker im in Taye's gang yea i know Taye we go way back.

When i saw her talk to Paris i knew i had to warn her but Paris never listens shes hard headed. She wants what she wants and doesn't care what anybody thinks about it.

Right now i was at Paris's house and she was telling me about some girl she met Dana i was all confused because just last night she told me about Taye?

Man yall females are confusing ...

Taye **

I know i fucked up but i didn't think it was gonna happen this fast . Shit i didn't think it was gonna happen at all.

Laying on my bed i dialed Paris's number over and over and got no response i even sent her messages but she refused to answer back. I hated being ignored and i wasn't gonna take this any longer .

The journey to her house was long and i kept going over what i was gonna say in my head

"Paris im sorry i was gonna break up with her but... Fuck ! "

This shit is hard i never had to apologize to a female.

Walking up her porch steps i could hear a male and female voice laughing and joking i recognized Paris' sweet laughter and i rang her doorbell.

"Who is it ?" She called

I refused to say my name knowing she wasn't gonna open the door so i waited

"i said who is it " she stopped and looked at me for awhile and i could see hurt in her eyes.

Just as she was about to close the door i grabbed her arm and crashed my lips into her "Im Sorry Paris Im Sorry....


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