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Niall's pov

"You know I love you right?"

"Yeah, I know."

Something is wrong with her. she just won't tell me. I know I'll go talk Harry

"Hey, Harry can I talk to you please?"

"Ummm, sure mate what's up?"

"I'm worried about ash." I say,

" How so?"

"She's shut down on me! she hasn't shut down on since she broke up with that jerk jake. Harry I'm scared I can't lose her again!" I yell at Harry I don't mean to yell I just can't stop. I turn around knowing I was about to cry.

"Niall it's okay," Harry tells me over and over.

I turn back around know the tears are rolling down my face. "Harry I just can't lose her,"

"Check her twitter, maybe she getting some hate or something?"

"Yeah ok I will," I say. I get on Twitter and check her page and yep there's hate plaster every where on her twitter account. I type up a message and hit send it to twitter. it said this,

@ ashlovesniall don't Believe them!! I love you that's all that matters ok baby never forget that!! (This is not real)

I hope Ashly knows how much I love her!

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