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I was shivering and breathing harshly running in the cold snowy weather. "YERI-ah Yeri!" I scream with anger and regret in my voice.

God dammit! I shouldn't have said that.. but at the same time i DO admit.. i wasn't thinking.. i mean of course there's love between Yeri and i.. i'm so stupid.

i need to find her.. "YERI!!" I scream even louder as i continue to walk out in the cold weather. Where did she even go?! and it was starting to snow harder.. im so worried about her. What if some man took her, or what if she freezes to death, or what if shes lost and cold and scared. Or there's another possibility that she- "Wonshi?" i hear yeri's soft voice interrupt my thoughts.

I turn around quickly and see Yeri sitting on the cold hard ground with a sad puppy looking like face that has "I miss you" written all over it. "Oh my gosh Yeri! You scared me to death!" i say relieved as she stands up. Before anymore words were said i hug her tight.

I shut my eyes and squeeze her as tight as i can and she hugs me back as snowflakes fill in the air. "I'm sorry for being so stupid.." Yeri whispers as we still hug. "You're not." I mumble back

I sigh as i shut off the TV in my home. Yeri was spending the night and she was wrapped up in my blankets on the couch. "Yeri-ah.." I whisper as i sit next to her in the quiet room. "mmh?" She mumbles slightly sleepily.

"I think its time to go to sleep. It's 12:16 AM and almost 1. Go upstairs and sleep in my bedroom i'll sleep here on the couch tonight." i say as i help her sit up on the couch. "But i don't want to leave you.. i want to stay with you.." she says in a cute raspy sleepy voice.

"Yeri just go." I say as i can't help but smile at her cute personality. She sighs and finally stands up to go to bed. I smile as i watch her leave me alone in the living room. I sigh and lock the door before curling up into my blanket on the couch.

The next morning i was laying on the couch and all of a sudden i feel weight jump onto me. "Aish!" i say in surprise as i wake up from my slumber and open my eyes to see a cutely smiling yeri on top of me. "Goodmorning sunshine!" She says with an exciting energy aura vibrating off her small figure. I couldn't help but chuckle. She quickly gets up and runs to the kitchen.

All day at work today Yeri and I were playing around in the ice cream shop's kitchen of "Kawaii Kreme". We'd talk for hours and take their order when customers came by. It was nice getting to know Yeri. She had a tough personality but when you get to know her you can't help but smile at her cuteness, whether you're in love or not. I guess that's how Somi saw her too.

Agh.. Somi.. I feel so bad for her. I must've forgot all about her.. I need to apologize the mistaken incident from the other night. I wonder how she was doing..

Now i knew though, i knew she was in love with me now. I just don't understand how i couldn't tell before. I mean like, i've been a theater geek since i was 12! and I always acted out dramas especially romances and soap operas.

"So you're a huge actor eh?" Yeri starts. "Mhm.. once people get to know me they know me for my love and passion for theater. It's definitely a work of art." I explain excitedly. I guess i really am a theater geek, because every time i started talking about my love for acting i always got so worked up and excited.

"Well maybe you could show me one of your plays and skits sometimes." Yeri says with a cheerful smile. "Really? I mean.. yeah sure! I'll definitely invite you to one of our next shows." I reply excitingly.

"Oooh! I think i love the Chocolate moose one the best!" A familiar voice says. "Oh! Customers are here. Lets go serve them." Yeri says as her and i head to the front where the flavors lie. And then i saw it. The worst scene you could EVER find..

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