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"Um, I was at the amusement park." I said.

"With who?" she asked sternly.

"With friends."

"Who exactly?" her voice was crisp and harsh.

"Um.. Tanya.. Jake.." I mumbled.

My mom would not approve of me hanging out with a guy till that late. She came from the prehistoric times.

But her expression softened, and she gave a tiny smile.

"With Jake, eh? Well, then there's nothing to worry about. But tell me one thing." She came near me and I had a feeling that she was going to start another of her 'girl-to-girl' talks that were so awkward.

"Are you guys dating?" She asked me, in anticipation.

"Um," I didn't know how to respond.

"Yes." I murmured.

"Finally my daughter gets some sense knocked into her. At least now I don't have to worry about my grandkids being ugly." She said, matter-of-factly.

"Mom!" I was exasperated with her.

She just giggled and shooed me off to my room, going to hers, probably to tell dad the good news.


I tried to forget the previous conversation as I changed into me jammies, and snuggled into bed, hugging my teddy bear.

My phone beeped, indicating a message.

Missing you already – J

A smile crept on my face.

Already? We're meeting tomorrow at school. Anyways, goodbye, sleeping with your teddy bear. Be jealous.

The phone beeped again in a few seconds.

Really? I have a solution to that.. Name it Jake.. So that I'll be with you at all times.

So cheesy.. I replied.

I clicked the phone off and got comfortable in bed again.

I like cheesy, I thought to myself.

The phone beeped again.

Good night x.

I smiled.

"Good night Jake," I kissed the teddy bear on its plastic nose and dozed off into a good sleep.

~Next Day~

"Get up sleepyhead, we're gonna get late for school!" I heard someone yelling.

I groaned and turned over, pulling the covers over my head.

Wait a minute, who was this?

I immediately got up and saw Jake standing in front of me, glass of water in hand.

I rubbed my eyes.

"At least I'm decent right now." I said.

He chuckled and sat beside me.

"Good thing you got up, I was going to use this." He pointed at the glass.

I heaved a sigh of relief and trudged towards the bathroom.

I was about to shut the bathroom door when I saw Jake still sitting on my bed.

"Get out," I told him sternly, and he obeyed, running out, probably not wanting to replay the incident that happened yesterday at this time.

Teenage DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now