The Choice of a Lifetime

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"I am sorry Princess Sirena... But there is nothing we can do to save her.." The doctors say gravely.

"Surely you must be able to do something?" I ask desperately. Only for them to shake their heads. I couldn't believe it. The only one who supported my dreams and encouraged me to reach for the stars.. she was dying.

"It would only make her condition worse. I am afraid we have no choice but to let nature take it's course. She has lived since before the war your Highness.. It is only natural that she be worn out." The doctors explain.

"I see... I ... I would like to see her.. Please." I say on the verge of tears as I sense something snap in my heart. My face turning to that of a mourning child and my eyes growing cold.

"Of course Princess..." They say, letting me into the room with my dying mother lying as though she's falling into a deep sleep.

They close the door behind them and I hear them walk away. I go to her bed and kneel beside it.

"Hello Mother... I guess it is my turn to now bear the weight you have for so long.." I say holding her hand gently. Her skin growing colder each second she lays there. "I will miss you dearly.." I say, tears streaming down my face as I kiss her forehead and get up, wiping my tears and walking away with an ache in my heart. It felt as though I'd been stabbed in the heart with my own knife. And I did not like it. Not one bit.

And I started walking in the direction of the throne room as though it was instinct.

(Timeskip to the throne room)

I had arrived in the throne room and sat in the baby blue seat. I looked ahead of me and had seen two men, The Royal Advisors..

"Princess, we know this must be sudden but.. You must make a choice between the crown and-" I cut them off.

"My Mother is not yet dead! And I will not make a decision until the fates have set it in motion that I will take the throne! Am I clear?" I snap with tears in my eyes as they silently stand there shocked.

"Yes your Highness... We apologize.." They say as they bow and walk off, leaving me to mourn.

"Then mean it when you say you apologize.." I say once they leave.

Then, my Aunt walks in.

"Sirena, dear what's wrong? You look like you've been torn in two.." She asks gently. She'd been away on a trip to the capitol. And she was not notified of my Mother's state.

"Aunt Amber.. It's Mother.... She's dying..." I say, my voice cracking slightly.

"Oh... oh no.... oh no this will not do at all..." she says a bit shocked and concerned. "I know you must be in grief... but there is something that you must know.." she says grabbing my lightly by the hand and guiding my through the halls.

"What is it?.... What must I know?.." I ask her curiously though I'm still at the brink of tears.

"Your betrothal..." she says and I simply freeze. "Sirena?" She says and turns around to face me only to see my head facing the ground and an aura of fear and confusion.

"Betrothal?.... To whom? When? Why? How? For what reason? Don't others get to choose their groom?" I say asking questions at lightning speed. My Aunt putting a hand over my mouth to quiet me.

"You will see soon enough... I was not supposed to tell you.. that was your mother's place... not mine.. but she is gravely ill.." She says sadly. "You must make a choice.. You may marry once you meet... or you may get to know him.. A trip perhaps? Maybe a few days?..." She asks.

"The second option sounds more appealing...." I say softly. Why must this happen to me?.. I do not wish to be Queen.. but it's what's best for the sake of my planet.. I do not wish to marry either.. but I must make a choice... And I have... but we must meet beforehand... in case it is all in vain.

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