World of Wonders

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We'd finally landed on a planet that was covered in plant life. There was a stream with a waterfall, a small village, a meadow, and thousands of beautiful flowers. I looked around in wonder, afraid that if I were to steal out of the ship, I'd burn it all to dust.

Lotor noticed this and smiled gently, picking me up and putting my small frame on his back. "If your that afraid to burn things you can always ask for a lift, Darling." He says, carrying me with ease.

"Aren't I heavy though?" I ask.

"No, your actually quite light Dear." He says chuckling a bit.

"You know, I feel a lot taller now. I can see almost everything from here!" I say, giggling and looking around.

"I'm actually considered quite short for being Galra. Usually they're taller than me." He says.

"No way.. I already feel like a shrimp compared to you. I'd feel like a grain of salt around others." I say in surprise, laying my head on his shoulder, my arms around his torso like a hug.

"I don't mean to make you feel small you know." He says softly as he makes his way to the village.

"I know, but everyone makes me feel short. It's not just you." I say kissing his cheek, blushing and smiling.

"Oh really?" He says, smiling and blushing a bit as well.

"Yes really. I'm glad to get off my planet.. and I'm glad I'm getting to know you. Actually, I thought they were marrying me to someone cruel and cold.." I say

"Am I cruel and cold?.." He asks gently.

"Oh heavens no Love. Your kind and sweet. You can be cold, yes. But it's not a completely bad thing." I say.

"Oh thank Goodness." He says, relieved to hear I didn't think that of him.

"Though your father is cruel.. I'll admit that." I say.

"Oh trust me, I know that." He says as we enter the village and he sets me down onto the worn in path. Linking arms and walking with me as I lay my head on his arm with a small smile on my face.

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