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Your P.O.V

"I love you."

"I love you too Four." I lean in to kiss him. His beard pricks my skin, but I don't care. All that matters is him an-

"(y/n), what the fuck are you doing?" Ace's words break me away from my dream. I realize that I was making out with a pillow next to me.

"Uh, nothing. Wai-Why are you even talking to me? You pissed me off, so don't say shit to me." Ace throws his hands up in surrender.


"What's up, (y/n)?"

"Don't talk to me."


We sit in silence for what feels like forever.


"I thought you told me not to talk to you." He says with that classic smirk playing on his lips.

"Well I'm talking to you now, ugly!" I yell.

"Okay. What?"

"What time is it?"

"It is...1:00pm" Damn, I must have really been sleeping hard.

"Okay, that's all. You can talk to me again." I say, giving him a genuine smile.

"Whatever, (y/n)." As he says that, I come up with a bright idea. Something to occupy us while we're sleeping in this depressing alleyway.

"Wanna get high with me?" Ace looked at me like I was crazy.

"What? First off, why? Second, off of what?" He  questioned.

"I don't fucking know, man! Off of anything! Like, uh, sharpies! We could sniff sharpies-"

Ace cut me off, "(y/n) Where would we get sharpies from? This could also be dangerous."

"Shrooms! We could eat some shrooms...and get all loopy." And before we know it, I grab Ace, take him into the woods, and get high off of mushrooms.

Somehow, I ended up on the train tracks.

I like trai-"(y/n), Are you okay?" I look up at the figure.

"Oh, hey, Ace. It's all good in the hood over here," I say. The figure looks at me and comes closer.

"I'm not Ace, (y/n), I'm Four."

His eyes stare into mine with an intensity that's so intriguing. Like, I want some of him.

Without thinking, I run into his arms and give him a big sloppy kiss. "I love you, Four."

"I love you t-" Four was cut off.


"What the fuck, (y/n)?" Ace's voice rings through my ears.

"I-I-I, uh," Before I could finish, Ace stomps away, leaving Four and I, all alone.

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