Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

And just when I thought the rest of the morning will be going smoothly, it just had to be ruined all through out.

That Ashton Irwin guy was one heck of a pain in the ass. Sometimes I think he's doing it on purpose, considering the fact that the kids could easily learn while he had to struggle to even just put his arms up.

"What's the relationship of this to swimming?" He suddenly asks when I was instructing them to stretch their arms in the air.

"We are warming up, Mr. Irwin."

"Please, just call me Ashton."

"Yeah, whatever, Ashton." I tried not to sound pissed. "You're enrolled in this class so whatever happens, I'm in charge. If you don't like that, you can get out of here."

"You're feisty." He comments and I cringe. "I was just asking. No need to be rude."

"I wasn't being rude!" Okay so maybe I was, a little bit? He cocks his eyebrows and gives me this oh really look. "I wasn't being rude." I repeated.

"Whatever you say, missie." He rolls his eyes but obliges anyway,

Two hours later, I got through the class without a single complaint from anyone. Besides, all I taught them for today was how to feel comfortable in the water and I doubt that was a hard thing to do.

The kids left the pool area and I watch them run to who knows where, hoping none of them would slip and hurt themselves.

When I knew that it won't happen, I grab my bag and started walking to the nearest bathroom. Not until someone calls out for me.

"Hey swimmimg teacher!"

I don't look back, already knowing who it could possibly be, and walked faster.

"Please wait-" He appears beside me, his hair dripping wet and a towel hanging on his left shoulder. I can't help but look at his toned upper chest, it was pale, but it seemed muscular enough to make me imagine him as an underwear model. He looked hotter upclose. "Like what you see?"

I snap my head away from him, slightly feeling embarassed. "What do you want, Mr. Irwin?"

"Ashton." He groans. "And well.. erm.. I just wanted to ask for your name. You missed that part awhile ago and I don't think it's appropriate for someone to teach me survival without knowing your name."

"You really think swimming is survival?" I asked, amused.

"If you don't swim, you'll drown." He replies plainly and I let out a chuckle. "So what is it? Your name."

"Eleanor Stummer."

"Ahh yes. Ms Stummer. It's nice to be of your acquaintance."

"Just call me Eleanor." I grumble. "And no, I'm not your acquaintance- or anything close to that. You don't know me and I don't know you. Basically, I'm just your teacher and you're just my student."

"Correction, you are my instructor. It's not like you're grading me with the way I perform in class."

He's got a point. But no, I won't show him that he's partly correct.

"Teacher- instructor- it's still the same thing. Now if you please excuse me, I have to go." I push past him, and successfully proceed to the ladies room without his distraction.

Even though I didn't plunge in the pool, I still took a quick shower to get rid of the sweat the summer heat dripped all over skin. It sure is a very hot day.

After my relaxing bath, I wore my denim shorts again, partnered with a lose striped crop top. I let my hair fall down up to my chest before using my towel to dry it halfly.

I check my reflection and saw a typical teenage girl staring back at me. I'm nothing special, if you ask me. I basically live with divorced parents, go to a nice high school where nobody knows I exist, keep my grades high enough to be a half-scholar, and just hang out with my two bestfriends: Lizzie, the one having her summer job at the pool bar, and Calum, the one who will be helping me out in the bakery in the afternoon. So yeah, I had the typical life of an American teenager.

I put on my shades, feeling lazy to get my make-up done, and sling my bag behind me. When I got out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see Ashton leaning on the wall beside the door. But this time, he had his white khaki shorts on and a plain blue shirt.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask, not hinting the curiosity in my tone.

"Obviously waiting for you. Girls really do take more time than guys, yeah?"

I ignore his comment and decided against talking to him further.

"So.. erm do you want to join me for lunch?" He catches up with me again and gently brushes a hand through his hair. Seriously, it's like he's intentionally doing this. "My treat."

"I have somewhere el-"

"Please? Just this once. I'm trying to be nice here, if you're not noticing."


"If you go, I won't bother you anymore. I swear, just this once. It's a simple lunch. Not a date." His eyes looked so hopeful as he had his gaze locked on me and I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach when he stares at me like this. "So?"

If you go, I won't bother you anymore. His words echo in my ears and I actually wished he'd take it back. Wait- what? No, I don't want him to bother me further too. As I've said, he's already such a pain in the arse.

"Fine." I finally give in and his lips twitch into a smile which he tries to cover with a cough. Well couldn't that be more original?

"Great! Erm- could you give me two minutes? I swear I'll be right back. I just need to get something."

Before I could protest, he already storms away, his blonde locks bouncing on his head.

"Did he just talk to you?" Lizzie shrieks and her fingers made contact with my sides.

I let out a yelp, surprised by her presence. "What the hell, Liz?"

"Fuck. He's freaking hot right? It's my first time seeing him up close."

I turn to face her and she has this smug look on her face. "How long have you been standing there anyway?"

"Just a few seconds before I hear him say he'll be right back. Damn, Eleanor, you're one lucky girl."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh my God- you don't know him?" She gasps and it's surprising to see her make a big deal out of this.

"He's.. Ashton Irwin?" I sound so unsure but I cover it with a shrug. "Have you met him before?"

"No, but everybody knows him!"

"Er- why?"

"Eleanor Jane Stummer, wake up! He's the son of Mr. Richard Irwin- the owner of the entire water park!"


oohh were you expecting that? aha maybe not xx

btw I was thinking of Alexandria Deberry to play the role of Eleanor. She's really pretty ü

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