Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"It was almost perfect." I sighed, wiping the flour off my cheeks that Calum had innocently placed on me. "So perfect."

"Tell me what happned." My best friend demands, leaning his back against the kitchen counter. If Maura finds out what mess we had in here, she would make us spend the after shifts cleaning up. "And don't miss out any detail."

I sighed, debating on telling the exact details to him. "Well- erm.. to sum things up, I met Ashton Irwin."

"Who's he?"

I widen my eyes in shock. But who am I kidding? I didn't know him the first time too and Calum was never fond of rumors anyway.

"He's the son of the owner of the water park Lizzie and I are working at."

"Rich kid." He comments probably thinking of all the possibities if he was the one who's rich.

"Okay, so he's in my swimming class. And God knows how much of a pain in the arse he is."

"How old is he anyway?"

"I don't know. But I think he's a year or two older than us. He's definitely not a twelve year old that I was expecting to be teaching survival skills." I succesfully dab the tiles on the sink, removing any hints of wasted batter. "And I don't even know why he even thought of enrolling!"

"Chill, Eleanor." Calum hushes me by putting an arm over my shoulders and pulling me closer, making my head be leveled on his chest. "Maybe he really can't swim. The summer class presents that any age could enroll. Or..."

"Or what?"

"He's basically in to you and he's used to always getting what he wants."

"You're not really helping." I complain, trying to wiggle out of his hold but he just grips me tighter. "And after class, he waited for me right outside the bathroom. And do you know what he did? He asked me out to lunch."

"I told you so! And you said yes?" He smirks and raises both his eyebrows. I nod embarassingly, covering my face with a free hand. "What was your condition? 'Cause I know you only go to dates just to get rid of someone."

Isn't that such an irony? I usually agree to go on dates- a few ones- just so that person could stop being so pushy and persistent. I act the worst in those little times and whatever I do always works in turning them off.

"It wasn't a date." I try mocking Ashton's voice.

"Then what was it? A friendly chat?"

"Just lunch. We didn't even talk for crying out loud! And I only agreed so he could stop bothering me."

"Eleanor? Calum?" Maura's voice was heard from outside the kitchen doors. "The bakery's about to close. Are you guys finished cleaning up?"

I looked around and saw a few shattered eggs on the floor. I nudged Calum's shoulder, gesturing him to get the mop and do the job while I wash my dirty hands and get rid of my working apron.

"Almost. We'll be right out!"

"Hurry up! We have one more customer here!"

Thinking that Maura would be needing extra help for this certain customer, I.pushed the swinging doors, leading me to the counter. There stood the tall blonde boy, eyes searching the display fridge for cupcakes.

"What took you so long, Eleanor?" Maura shakes her head disapprovingly. "This sweet boy here is getting a box of red velvet cupcakes and that big cassava cake."

Sweet? Hell no. He's so far away from sweet.

Before I knew it, Ashton's eyes meet mine and he shows me this side smirk that I just want to punch him on the face. "I didn't know you work in a bakery."

"I- what are you doing here?"

He ignores my question and moves his gaze back to Maura. "Are my orders all set, madam?"

Maura holds out her index finger before proceeding to the kitchen, leaving Ashton and I awkwardly alone. I see him walk slowly towards the counter, lifting the wooden entrance and letting himself enter the restricted area.

"What the hell- you're not allowed to be here." I tried pushing him on the chest but it was no use. He was still walking further towards me and pins me on the wall. "Get the hell off me-"

"Shhh.." His head hovers above mine and I fight the urge to look at him. I was about to hit his chest but he catches my wrist, locking it above me. "You look so tensed, babe." His free hand runs up and down my sides, sending shivers all the way down my spine.

"Ashton, stop this or I'll kill you." I warn him, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

He laughs lightly, nudging his nose with mine. "And how will you do that?"

"I'll shove my feet up your arse."

"That wouldn't work. Think about something harsher."

"I'll skin you alive."

"That's too harsh and likely impossible. Any idea that's more interesting?"

My heart hammers harder in my chest as I feel his lips brush against mine. "I-I.." No, I'm not going to kiss him no matter how tempting this is.

"I'll drown you." I finally say.

He pulls away immediately and hops on the counter before sliding to the opposite side. That catches me off guard and I stood frozen on my ground, not knowing what else to do or say. And as I finally meet his gaze, I could see the blaring anger in his eyes, partnered with the balling fists beside him.

"Cancel my order." He says through gritted teeth before stomping out of the bakery.


NU: Thursday or Friday

Swimming Lessons 》 ashton irwin auWhere stories live. Discover now