Chapter Thirty Four

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   That morning, the Thieves all gathered at Leblanc, without Yusuke, by Jaehyun's request. They all explained to him what happened in the Metaverse when Yusuke snapped. Jaehyun listened closely to their words and wrote everything down.

   "What about Anesa? Did Yusuke do something...?" Makoto asked.

   "We found her on the lawn in the morning and brought her to the hospital. The doctors said she had a lot of bad cuts that will require stitches. And there's a chance she's pregnant too..."

   "Oh my god..." Mishima spoke softly.

   "Anesa claims Yusuke tied her up and left her in an alley, then some men came and raped her. Yusuke has been denying all knowledge of this..."

   "You said he's out with Akira, right? Is it safe to leave him alone with him?" Haru said.

   "I can't think of another way to keep him occupied," Jaehyun put his notebook aside. "Has Yusuke ever acted out like this before?"

   "No. He's always been our weird artsy friend..." Ann said. "I wish I knew what was causing this..."

   "You know what I want to know? What the hell is with Akira's Palace?! Why does he see Yusuke as an insane demon?!" Ryuji suddenly cried.

   "Ryuji, shut up!" Morgana snapped at him.

   "Wait... he has a valid point..." All eyes were on Mishima. "Akira can enter the Metaverse through sleep... so he can see things in his own Palace. Wouldn't he know what Kitagawa-Kun is like in his mind...?"

   "You're right... Yusuke acts so calm and sweet in the real world, but in the Metaverse he's completely out of his mind..." Makoto said.

   "But that makes no sense! How can Akira see Yusuke differently in the other world? You guys are making it sound like Akira is secretly scared of Yusuke..." Futaba pouted as she hid behind her seat.

   "Unless..." Jaehyun's glasses glinted. "Akira is encouraging Yusuke's behavior..."

  There was silence.

   "What...?" Ann spoke first

   "Akira has experienced a lot of life trauma; people left the world and friends turned on him. Yusuke is acting as his knight, he's doing anything Akira wishes for. Akira is becoming clingy and that's causing him to pressure Yusuke into staying close to him..."

   "Then... what can we do...? Yusuke is becoming too dangerous, we can't take him back to the Palace!" Morgana said.

   "I'll handle that. For now, we need Akira to drift from Yusuke, so he'll become less dangerous. Can one of you pick him up later? They're at an art school, I can provide the address," Jaehyun was already scribbling on a notecard.

   "I'll go. I can do it right now," Makoto stood from her seat. "I don't want Yusuke to do something bad. I'll come up with something to get Akira away,"

   "Shouldn't someone go with her? I-I mean Anesa is in the hospital because of Yusuke!" Haru said.

    "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Yusuke is my friend, I'm sure he won't do anything to extreme,"

    Makoto took the notecard from Jaehyun and went on her way without another word. Haru bit her lip and balled up a bit in her seat.

   "I have a bad feeling about this..."

   "Don't worry. Nijima should be able to handle this," Mishima said.

   "Yeah, Makoto's real tough!" Ann grinned at Haru.

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