[Story] First Day On The Job

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P.S. I write as myself most of the time, meaning the reader is sarcastic, curses a lot, gives zero crap, and is sometimes shy, so if you want a diff personality for the reader, plz tell me!

(b/n) = Brother's Name

(h/c) = Hair Color

(h/s) = Hair Style

(o/h) = Overwatch Hero

(e/c) = Eye Color

P.P.S. I am 5'8, so for those who consider themselves short, you aren't in these oneshots.

Edit: Decided to make my original oneshots gender-fluid. I like to accommodate for everyone.


You were one of the three passing initiates for the Overwatch Hero Trials, a series of tests to see if you have what it takes to be a part of Overwatch. You stood right outside the Overwatch headquarters in Zürich, Switzerland. Your other two comrades stood a little ways from you. One of them, your twin brother (b/n), stood gawking in amazement at the large building. The other, a young man by the name of Warner, sat observing, once in a while glancing in your direction.

Inside, you were happy, but cramping up with butterflies. You were never the most social person, and meeting new people, especially heroes, made you slightly queasy. Spotting a look of uneasyness in your face, (b/n) walked over and put an arm over your shoulders.

"Hey (y/n), don't worry. Once we're inside those doors and get our protocols, you'll be comfortable and talking smack like you do in no time!" He said, with a goofy smile on his face.

You loved your brother. He made huge events seem like no big deal. It's what you loved most about him. His carefree and understanding nature. It made life seem so much easier. His (h/c) hair stuck out in a few places. His (h/s) made him look similar to (o/h). Being only an inch or two taller than you, people who knew you were siblings thought he was the oldest, which was wrong. You were born first. And the people you couldn't tell the two of you were siblings thought that you were a couple just because of how close you two were. You could peck him on the lips for all you cared, both of you were model twins.

Looking at (b/n) now, staring into his (e/c) orbs, put you at ease. A smile to match his own spread across your face.

"I know. I just can't help it sometimes. New crap always makes me so jittery." You said.

"Understood." He replied. "Lets just hope that they got our request of adjoining quarters. I don't want you bunking with some creep." His protectiveness always made you laugh.

"I hope so too!" You said, trying to contain fistfuls of giggles traveling up you're throat.

Suddenly, the large doors to the building opened, allowing three individuals to walk out towards the other three. Leading the trio was a tall, well built man. Dark-skinned with some facial hair, he held a dark demeanor. A huge scowl appeared permanently etched on his features. He appeared to be Mexican, but you didn't want to draw any conclusions. To his right was a Blonde haired man, about the same height, also well built. His mouth made up a tight line, as if something was on his mind. The atmosphere around this man was serious, but not so much as the first. This guy was what you categorized as a pretty boy. The third individual, a much shorter, dark-skinned woman with a black symbol underneath her left eye. She had a smile on her face and a motherly aura.

After several seconds of observation, you recognized them as Gabriel Reyes, Jack Morrison, and Ana Amari, three of the biggest heroes, if not egos, among Overwatch. All three were headed towards your small group.

Gabriel was the first to speak.

"Which one of you kids is (y/n) (l/n)?" His voice was rough and annoyed, but not aggravating to you.

Jack, with worry in his eyes, started to say, "Gabe, I don't thi-"

"Shut it Morrison, I got the paperwork and the evidence so I'm putting it through." Gabriel snapped, cutting Jack off. He then looked back to us. "Which one of you is (y/n) (l/n)."

Your throat had closed on itself and your heart was racing. Gabriel Reyes was no joke. He instilled fear as if it were free candy. Slowly, you raised your hand.

Gabriel looked you up and down, appearing slightly disappointed. He let out an aggravated growl. "I thought I'd see more guts but I guess the files were wrong."

This pissed you off. He expected to see you for who you were the first time meeting? Well so be it.

"Guts?" You answered in a sarcastic tone. "If you want guts, ya might want look elsewhere, cause I sure as hell don't see em' either."

Everyone's faces switched from between astonishment and shock. Clearly, not many people talk back to the great Gabriel Reyes. Well, you weren't one of the many.

Gabriel suddenly held a new light in his eyes. You couldn't tell if it was anger or intrigue. A sly smile spread across his face.

"Alright then. I want you to report to Blackwatch stationary immediately. Then we'll see if we can find 'guts'.

Blackwatch? Numbness spread from your chest to your limbs. What was Blackwatch? Was (b/n) going too? Should you have spoken out like that?

Then (b/n) spoke up. "Why do they need to go to this Blackwatch? We were here because we passed the Overwatch Hero Trials. For Overwatch."

"Well," Started Jack. " You see (l/n) showed promise for another of our operations, overseen by Commander Reyes here. So, it appears they'll be moved."

You heard (b/n) take a sharp intake of breath. "Does that mean we won't be situated together?"

This time, Ana spoke. "I'm afraid so, dear. Blackwatch is a completely different unit, seperate from Overwatch."

"Why can't I go with them? We're a born team, being separated doesn't work for the both of us!"

"We're aware of your predicament Mr. (l/n). But it-"

"I don't give a shit, kid. They showed several qualities good for my operation that you lack. So either get your shit together and say bye, or keep crying like a bitch over something that you can't help." Gabriel barked.

You couldn't stand your brother being treated like that. So you joined in.

"Don't fucking talk to him like that. I'll do your Blackwatch shit, but don't you dare start yapping your trap like that at my brother. Keep talking shit and I'll go on to Overwatch like I was supposed too!" You snarled.

That shut everyone up.

Gabriel only sneered, then turned on his heel and walked away. Jack looked to him and to you, clearly flustered. Then he ran after Gabriel.

A hand appeared on your shoulder. A kind, warm hearted smile shown at you.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted one of you trainees to speak up to that man. He needs to be shown up once in a while." Ana quietly shared. "Just don't go getting it into your head you can do that whenever. He's very extreme at times. So don't keep yourself on his bad side." She started to walk away, then stopped.

"Oh, and this is for all of you." She handed out a few papers to the each of you. Then she walked after the two men, disappearing. The papers were schedules and protocol. Yours had a symbol similar, but different to the Overwatch one. At the top read Blackwatch Training Core.

Well, this outta be an interesting.


That went on longer than I expected. I wanted to kinda twist everything in the end, so that kinda worked out. I plan on putting together oneshots that either correspond with this storyline, or I'll just do completely random ones. YUP!! thanks for reading!! And please request some stuff soon!

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