[Angst] Blackwatch!Gabriel Reyes x Reader - Fed Up With Your Shit

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Hello ppls!! A funny thing happened while I was writing this. I think I clicked a key and it brought me to another page. When I went back to my original page, everything I had written wasn't there. I got so scared, so I went back to my create tab and reloaded the page. I thanked god himself because everything was there. Probably the scariest moment of my life.


Gabriel was always on your ass for something. Whether you made a small mistake on the field or turned in the mission reports 3 minutes late. It was annoying as hell and you were sick of it. You decided that if he did it one more time you would confront him. You were currently filling out all the details and plans for the next mission. Low and behold, Athena came on the coms.

"(Y/N), Gabriel wishes to see you in his office." Her robotic voice reverberating throughout the room.

"What about?" You ask in an annoyed tone. This better not be about the paperwork.

"Your reports are due."

I swear to the lord almighty, you thought.

"Fine, tell him I'm on my way." Getting up you didn't bother grabbing the papers. They weren't gonna be needed. "Show time," you said to yourself.

Walking through the hallways, anyone who came upon didn't try anything. It was clear that you were on a mission. Your face displayed no emotion, though your eyes were full of fury. Gabriel had pushed you over the edge and you were through.

Reaching a dark wooden door with a plaque that read Gabriel Reyes, you grabbed the knob and practically ripped the door off its hinges. Gabe stood behind his desk appearing to be looking over some strategies for the mission. Looking up, he saw a very angry (Y/N), standing as if they were Godzilla about to destroy Hong Kong. This look for them did slightly frighten him.

"Why the hell do you need the reports? They're due in two days, and if it were sooner, I would have gotten notice before you. SO WHY IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING HELL DO YOU NEED THEM NOW?!" You shrieked. It wasn't to soon to say you had lost it.
And Gabriel was about to as well.

"I need to check over them! Last time you filed the wrong crap, you cost us an extra hour for some stupid data you could have easily fixed!" He barked back.

"Well guess who's job it fucking was to look over for such mess ups? That's right, YOURS YOU ASSHOLE!" You were screaming at this point. Tears threatened to fall. Shit, you thought. Not now!

Gabriel was quiet now, but he glared at you and anger seethed in his eyes. His lips twitched, trying not to form into a beastly snarl. You had stopped speaking as well, for fear that if you spoke another word your voice would break and the tears would overflow. Taking deep breaths you stared at the floor.

"Please just stop..." You whispered. Then you whipped around and ran out of Gabriel's office. He could only stare after you.

Groaning, Gabriel leaned against the wall and mumbled some Spanish curses. He had been a jackass again, and to the one person he never wanted to hurt.

~{Le Time Skip brought to you by Hanzo's Handsoap. Buy two get 300 free! Seriously, we have too much of this crap}~

You sat on your bed reading your favorite book/manga (for all my weebs out there). No matter how much you read, your mind would always wander back to your confrontation with Gabriel. You sighed shakily. Who knows what he'll do. Barely anyone crossed Gabriel Reyes and there were reasons why. Groaning, you threw the book/manga to the side, turned off the lamp you had used for light. Now with the room bathed in complete darkness, you climbed inside your blankets and curled up into a ball. Your feet and legs were cold to your touch. A lot like your soul right now.

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