[Part 1] Gabriel Reyes x Fem!Reader - We Are Monsters

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Sorry I've been inactive for so long! Kinda lost the spark for writing, and now I'm getting back to it. This was requested by Ari_thatdemonbae. I went into creative mode and barfed out this. The reader has abilities after being experimented on by Moira who did similar experiments on Gabe. Hope you all enjoy!

(h/c) = hair color

(h/t) = hair type

(y/h) = your height

(e/c) = eye color

(s/c) = skin color




Gabriel wasn't the only human test subject Moira had. She liked to study how her experiments affected different genders, races, etc. You were her female subject. Kept in the dark, even from Blackwatch, Moira satisfied her malicious curiosity through you.

Eventually you picked up some surprising abilities from occasional botched experiments. It first began when you had attempted to escape from her. You had been so willing for three long years to be her rabbit, but the pain became unbearable. Moira would not let you go. She claimed it was too late, and her research was too far gone to let you walk out. Besides, she once added. You're the perfect specimen.

Of course you had tried plenty of times before, but this was the first time you had gotten far enough for it to count as an attempt. You had untied the straps locking you on the table whilst she had been out, and tried to get out through the front door, stupid as it was. In the moment you were almost out Moira had walked in. She had stopped right in front of the door, seeming to notice something off kilter, as you froze right in front of her. Yet she did not see you. She scanned the room, and for moment seemed to be staring dead at you. Then let her gaze wander on. You caught a look of your reflection in the windows behind her.

Or where your reflection should be.

You saw nothing but the foyer and Moira in the glass. You were not visible. You were invisible.

You had not moved and inch, but neither had she. Thinking that in this moment you had the advantage, you crept forward only a hairsbreadth.

The moment you moved your muscles, Moira snapped in your direction and thrust her hand out to grab you by the wrist. Her grip was steel and her eyes molten. She ate you up with her gaze, trying to glean what had just transpired.

"Well, well, well..." She purred in that smooth, Irish accented voice she had. "I knew you may procure some unexpected side effects, but you are a truly brilliant person. You keep surprising me at every turn, (y/n). Is there any end to your potential?" She crooned.

Moira flashed a grin that would do the Cheshire cat proud. With that, her grip tightened as she dragged you back to the lab.

This wouldn't be the last time you tried to get out. And each time you tried, more abilities appeared. This delighted Moira more and more. But the "talents" she loved studying made you fear yourself. You grew scared of what you might actually be capable of. But you never let her see. Instead, you became cold and unfeeling in her eyes. Refused to speak or meet her gaze unless in a hate-fulled glare.

She only continued to study, keeping you locked up. You were not human to her. Or she didn't care about humans. For the next seven years, she made sure no one knew you existed.




"Gabriel, stop fidgeting." Complained Moira. "I cannot properly check your vital status if you resist the sensors." She tapped away on a blue screen and watched the data flow in. After reading for a moment, her lips widened to thin smile, pleased with the results. Gabriel on the other hand was uncomfortable.

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots [ON PAUSE]Where stories live. Discover now