Zenyatta x "Neko"!Reader - CAT ONESIES

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I didn't choose this.  _itsbasicallydread_did. Its a request. I do them. Even if they may be SLIGHTLY cringey. I love Zenyatta. The guy doesn't deserve this shit written about him. So imma make this sweet. Or short. Something. Yea. This is a short oneshot compared to others and I am sorry about that.


You had just bought yourself a full adult-sized cat onesie. Tail, ears, paw pads, the whole cat. Your suit looked like a striped ginger. It. Was. The Dream. All you wanted to do now was sleep, screw around, and do everything and anything in it. It was that comfortable. You were even tempted to act the cat part. You walked around all day in the cat suit, as it was your day off and you weren't about to waste it. Several members were taken aback, some giggled about it, some gave you weird looks, and some... some were intrigued.

That some was Zenyatta. The omnic monk who was sweet yet deadly. He took an interest in your cat suit when he spotted you walking through the the lounge room. He approached with his usual air of calm that made you really comfortable. That's why you liked him and Genji so much.

"What is that apparel you are wearing (y/n)?" Zenyatta queried.

"Oh, this is my cat onesie!" You replied gleefully.

"Cat onesie?"

"It's a one piece suit that looks like a cat! It's really comfy, that's why I'm wearing it everywhere."

Zenyatta appeared thoughtful. You think. Metal is hard to read.

"I think I understand. Would you be referred to as a neko then?"

You lost your shit.

"A neko?! How do you even know what that is? Why would I-" You just lost your train of thought. You couldn't comprehend anything anymore.

"Are you alright (y/n)?" Zenyatta asked, concern in his voice.

You could barely get the words out. "I-I'm fine. How... how do you know what a neko is?"

"Ah, Genji used to read many interesting articles. He was given some of his old belongings from Hanzo, and I found some pictures of women with cat features. They had the title 'Neko'. I only assum-"

"Zen, never go through Genji's old stuff again." You urgently hushed him.

Zenyatta seemed taken aback. Almost slightly sad. You kinda felt bad. Then an idea came to you.




"ZEN YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!" You squealed. Zenyatta was now wearing a cat onesie like yours, but ebony and white with dark stripes. It was really cute. You grabbed his warm, metal hands and spun around with him. He laughed as you giggled and belly laughed in a drug-like happiness. You hadn't felt this elated in a long time.

"Thank you (y/n), for this time." Zen chuckled. You beamed at him, no words needed.

Then you heard running footsteps and "mada mada" from the hallway. Genji burst into the room the both of you were in. He wasn't in his usual cyborg attire, so his scarred face was unmasked and he wore a shirt that said Dying isn't that bad. He stared the two of you down as his green dyed hair fell into his eyes.

"Cat onesies." He simply stated.

"Yea." You replied, mimicking his dull and awestruck tone.

"I need one too."

You were about to decline, as you were enjoying Zen's attention until Zen himself butted in.

"Yes, I'd like to see the three of us as the three Meowskateers." He mused.

You were so stunned by the pun you forgot about your momentary aggravation. Instead, an ear-to-ear grin spread across your face. You couldn't deny this. So you relented and got Genji a cat onesie as well. This one was black with brown and white spots and blotches.

For the rest of the day you three walked around base in these onesies, screwing around and having fun. At one point, you had to pull aside Genji and "explain" why not to let Zenyatta near his "pleasure items". He got the idea.

As the day came to an end, you began saying your goodbyes to the other two. Though, as soon as Genji turned his back, you swirled around to Zen and gave him the lightest peck on his face-plate. You swore he could have been pink. Unfortunately that is not how machinery works. At last, you bid adieu to your maybe, slightly, only little bit robot crush.

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