Hanzo x Reader x McCree - I Hate Choosing

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This is for Karentookmykids . Thanks for all the request you guys, it does make things easier when it comes to dreaming up random scenarios and who to include. And thank you so much for the support as well! I'm actually really surprised people like my writing. Especially this cringey fanfiction bullshit. But, thank you all the same. Oh, and one more thing. I was not told specific pronouns for this oneshot, so I'm making it gender neutral. :)


You knew you had something between McCree and Hanzo. How could you not? While romance had never been very kind to you, you always found it obvious when it presented the chance.

Both had become fond of you for different reasons, but also some same ones. When it came to talking about personal things, both men never found it difficult to discuss problems or old hiccups that kept bothering them. Or it it was just that you made it so easy to talk. You never made them feel ashamed about who they once were, you never blamed them for past misfortunes. You were just the most easy going person in the world to them.

Of course there were differences.

MCree and you had met on a mission during Blackwatch's years, and after Overwatch's recall, the two of you had set out to rekindle the old friendship. You could drink from happy hour on to three in the morning with McCree, with only a few hiccups and giggles. You also loved hearing his stories about his times with the Deadlock gang, and his talks about how to properly shoot without missing a single target. In turn, the raggedy, bearded man loved seeing you smile, as well as listening to you talking about your passions, or hearing your own wild stories from your youth. Sometimes the both of you would go out to the practice range. Jesse would show you how to shoot and reload his revolver, and you would show a few neat tricks with your own weapon. Neither of you tired of each other.

Hanzo and you had grown closer quite differently. When you first met, the two of you had been quiet and uncomfortable. Both were unused to your new surroundings. Eventually after a few practices and missions together, the two of you warmed up to each other. You spoke to Hanzo about your old home, and how it had been desecrated during the omnic uprising. How you had to flee, losing half your family in the process. On his side, Hanzo spoke quietly about his old life in Japan, his relationship with Genji, and eventually about what led him to join Overwatch. You would listen to his story without rebuttle. He only left out a few certain parts. Like how it had been himself who was responsible for Genji's current state. But even without that, you never had a bad opinion of him, or about who he used to be. Because of that, Hanzo came to a have a profound respect and liking of you and your calm, open-minded nature towards him. He would sometimes even smile a bit during one of your conversations.

You at the moment were fond of both men. Of course it had crossed your mind at some point that they could be possible romantic partners, but you never let that thought take over. Your past experiences with love made you cautious of it. But nevertheless, you found yourself drawn to both of their personalities, completely different as they were. McCree had his southern charm, funny jokes, smooth confidence, and a very boisterous attitude that could make any lady (or man) swoon. To you he was just fun and amazing to be around. Hanzo had a rather enigmatic effect, compared to Jesse. He kept quiet, only adding in his opinion on a rare chance, and overall kept to himself. Of course you knew a bit more behind that mask. But when around you, he smiled more often, spoke more as well. You once even made him laugh. You also discovered he had a secret desire for sweets, and sometimes surprised him with chocolate bars or candy you found from your old home.

At this particular moment, you were sitting in an old hole in the wall with both Hanzo and McCree seated diagonally across from you around an old, round oaken table. Jesse was having a good-humored argument with Hanzo about what liquor was better. Hanzo was firm believer sake was superior, whilst Jesse would not give up that southern liquors were better. You just sat and watched the two of them banter back and forth, amusement making your lips spread into a wide grin.

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