Junkrat x Roadhog's Daughter!Reader - Hateful Feelings

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This story is for @heavenandhell93. I'm so sorry it took this long for me to write it. If I said it before, I'll say it again. I'm a procrastinator. I actually had fun writing this though. Australian slang is fun to mess with. 


"Goddamn suit", you swore. The old man had requested your services and instead tried to scam you. You could never trust good smelling, suit wearing foreigners. Especially Americans. Bloody fuckin Americans. How many times would you fall for a good looking proposition by a sketchy figure? Only God knew.

You pulled out your phone to check for any new info from Overwatch, only to find several messages from your father. You had joined Overwatch two years back, hoping to get away from the criminal lifestyle that followed many Aussies these days. But it always found you. This time in the form of your father. Mako Rutledge, aka Roadhog. The old, fat bastard had contacted you ten years after disappearing from your life. After some investigating you found out Overwatch had recruited Roadhog as well as a companion of his. Some maniac with a mousy name.

You ignored all of his messages, refusing to acknowledge his presence in your current career. He deserved nothing, and you owed him nothing. It was his fault along with others that the home you once knew was now a wasteland.

You were almost to your unit when a loud banging took your attention in the same direction. Speeding up, you found a tall, gangly maniac banging on your door.

"Oi!" You bark. "The hell ya doin'?"

The gangly man whipped around. You were taken aback for a moment at his appearance. Shirtless, wearing baggy shorts, and way too thin for his height. He barely had hair and what was left seemed to have been burnt to oblivion. Black ash and soot covered half his face. His face itself was long and rat-like with a jutting jaw. His rigid expression was unreadable. You couldn't form an opinion immediately. He gave off confusing vibes.

"You're Roadie's ankle biter ain't cha'?" He asked in a tone that was a cross of urgent and angry.

"Roadie? Ya mean Mako? Why's it your business if the fat bastard's my oldie?" You asked defensively. His eyes flashed, but he kept his lopsided grimace.

"I need d'ya to forgive Roadie." He stated. You could only stare.


His shocked expression betrayed the way your coldness had taken him aback. The pure loathing in your voice surprised even you, but you didn't show it.

"Why? Why d'ya hate the ol' hog so much? He's y'ur old man!" You felt your mouth curl into a disgusted snarl at this bruce.

"You haven' the slightest clue the hell he did back in the outback. Or did the fat bastard not tell you?" Your tone turned smug and mocking. The lanky Aussie, while a bit unsettled by your intense hate, was not willing to leave it.

"Yea, I reckon I ain't got a clue. But you should know. It's killin' him." You wrinkled your nose. At your confused glare, he elaborated.

"The old drongo has gone full bogan. He barely eats, barely sleeps. He barely talked before, but now he don't ever open his trap. I ain't ever seen 'im so..."
His face fell. Concern was in his eyes when he looked at you.

"All he er'r do is stare at a picture o' a lil' ankle biter. I reckon'd it was you." You had no words. Guilt started to creep up your throat, and that was the last thing you wanted. You weren't the one who was supposed to feel guilty. Mako was. He was the reason home was gone.

You had to leave. You had decided long ago you never wanted to see your father again, and this stupid Aussie wasn't going to change that. If you kept going you were going to lose control and something bad was gonna happen, you could feel it. You had to leave.

"I don't give one," You snarled quietly, "about what happens to Mako. So piss off. I ain't got time for a galah like you." You pushed your way past, beginning to walk to your door when he grabbed your arm.

"Sheila, ple-" Without hesitation you whipped around and punched him square in the face. He fell back landing on his ass hard. His nose, already a crooked mess, was gushing blood. This time you started screaming.


Your eyes were wild and seething with hate, your teeth in a savage grimace, and your breathing was a hard pant. Oh, how you savored the hint of fear in the Aussie's eyes. You wanted nothing more but to kill him in that instant, and you would've if not for what he said next.

"Fine. Don't go getting crook with me now. Don't know why I give one either. But hear me out, sheila." He took a breath and went on. "In twenty years time, or more, if you hear that the hog has hit the dirt, what're ya gonna wanna have wished you'd hav' done? How're ya gonna sleep knowin' he went out thinkin' that the last person e' loved hated him with ev'thing she had."

You lost all words. You even stopped breathing. You didn't expect words like that to come out of man like this. You just stood there with a lost look on your face and guilt in your heart. The Aussie stood up. Determination was set in his eyes.

"If ya ever...just decide to see him. We're stayin' at the nears't Overwatch 'quarters." With that, he turned his back and began shuffling away, his hand to his nose.

"Wait." Stiffining, he turned his head back to you.

"What's your name?" You asked tonelessly.

With a bit of a crazed grin, he said, "Junkrat." You gave quizzical smile.

"Your real name, ya bruce."

"Oh. Uh, Jamison." He raised his chin. "Jamison Fawkes."

"Alright then Jamison." You drawled with narrowed eyes. "I'll remember that name. Cause if I see ya again... I'll kill ya."His eyes went wide, but his grin only grew until it reached his eyes.

"Ya're a lot like the ol' hog, ya know." With that, he whipped around and ran off before you could throttle him. With an amused sneer, you turned back to your door. But then you heard something in the distance.

"And don't call him fuckin' fat!"

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