Poly!Zenyatta x Abused!Reader - You Are Not Alone

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Requested by @ityabo. Been a while since I got this request so I'm due on it. The reader is gender neutral as well. The poly side of Zen isn't depicted in the story as I didn't know how to introduce it with this kind of plot. I also realize that this is a much shorter oneshot compared to my others. Sorry if that seems unfair. Kinda just how it played out.

(y/n) - Your Name

(y/o) - Your Other


This story contains graphic depictions of abuse. For those who are sensitive to this kind of content, discretion is advised.



You felt the strong blow of (y/o)'s fist connect with your cheek. Your head hit the floor with a resounding crack. The cold tile was the only thing you felt as the shock resounded through your body. Subconsciously the tears began to fall.

"Why can't you just do what I say? I told you to- STOP CRYING!"

The back of your sweatshirt was grabbed and pulled, your body heaved off the ground along with it. Your back landed against the surface of the wall. (Y/o)'s hand was wrapped around your neck, their face obscuring your already blurry vision.

"You're so fucking weak. If it weren't for me, you'd still be stuck in that no good job, in that no good dump of a neighborhood. If it weren't for me you wouldn't have made it in life."

His voice became deadly quiet. "If it weren't for me, you'd be nothing."

All you could do was nod your head. With that, (y/o) shoved you into the wall and walked away.

"When you're done playing victim, go make dinner."

You curled up against the wall, hands over your head. The tears were hot against your cheeks, the sobs following making it hard to breath.

They were right, you thought. (Y/o) is right. You deserve this. You are weak. You always play victim. You need them.

Without them... you are nothing...


-5 years later-


The memories always flooded back.





Life had been a nightmare with (y/o). Yet without them, life had become an empty void of hate. Why do you still feel so worthless if the person who made you feel like this is gone? The problem is gone. So why do you still hate yourself?


You opened your eyes to meet the unmoving, yet soft face of Zenyatta. The omnic monk had his head cocked at an inquisitive angle. The two of you had been meditating together, as Zen had invited you knowing you dealt with anxiety and other problems.

You both currently sat in the gardens within Gibraltar, Overwatch's current base of operations. Being one of Overwatch's chief intel officers, you had received the comm from Winston calling all original members back. You had almost declined the call when Zenyatta changed your mind.

"Are you alright? Your heart rate increased and your breathing accelerated, so I feel like I must inquire."

"Its fine." You said, waving your hand in dismissal. "Just remembering things."

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots [ON PAUSE]Where stories live. Discover now