Chapter 19 - Hall of Blades

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            They must have hit me with some really strong drug while I was asleep because I didn’t wake up for nearly two and a half days.  The full moon peeked through the shut blinds as my eyes opened slowly.  Someone snored in the chair nearby as I sat up.  Rayne lay back in a cushioned chair with her mouth hanging open.

            I couldn’t see the sword anywhere.  I panicked and hopped silently out of the bed.  I sighed when I realized that the sword was beneath the covers next to where I had been.

            I gasped as I grabbed the handle.  My side didn’t hurt anymore.  I walked across the room and grabbed my robes, which Arrakis must have brought.  I threw them on and quickly wrote a note.

            Arrakis, Rayne, Drake –

        Do not come after me.  I must do something without all of you.  There is a chance that I will not return, and in the case that I do not, I wish to let you know that I love you, Arrakis; Rayne, I will never forget that you saved my life; and Drake, thank you for being there for me.  I’m sorry, but I must do this for Kain.

- Raven Mae Sera

            I let one tear fall before I silently stalked over to the window and slowly opened it.  The frame creaked gently as I launched myself out the window and flew across the sky; headed for the Mage’s Tower.

            I shrouded myself in shadow as I landed invisibly on the roof.  I raced down the stairs all the way to the ground floor, whipping my gaze back and forth trying to find the portal room.  Eventually, I finally found the sapphire door and opened it soundlessly.

            I imagined the picture Arrakis had shown me with the boulder in the forest and stepped through, a fizzling sensation passing across me as I entered the Third Realm again after what had felt like ages.

            The tress felt so different from the dead, black ones that I was used to seeing in the Second Realm.  And the air – oh my goddess the air – it was so clean!  The plants were releasing fresh oxygen around me and it smelled so clean and crisp.

            I shook off the shock and walked around, trying to find the boulder with the indent of my amulet.  Wandering for nearly an hour, I still hadn’t found a sign of it; only a clearing with a tree in the center.  I walked to the backside, surprise when I found the very rock I’d been looking for behind the tree.

            I slipped off my pendant and pushed it in, almost falling over as the stone moved with the amulet.  The shifted rock revealed a gaping hole in the earth, large enough for an elephant to get through.  I jumped down after grabbing my necklace.

            The ground flew fast.  Only two seconds after I leapt, I hit the stone, sword in hand.  Darkness enveloped me as the little blood flame appeared over my left side; I pulled myself together and pushed onward, facing the Realm’s Trials that awaited me.

            Silence hung in the air as my boots padded against the stone.  It was so empty here; so lifeless and dull.  Even as the dark tunnel opened up to a large, crystal-lit room, the place felt dead.  Suddenly, as I entered the chamber, I was trapped.

            Walls rose up all around me, blocking me in and leaving only one way out – forward.  Screams and roars pierced the air as a sickening fear suffocated my gut.  Ghostly hands gripped my throat and choked me as I moved forward – there was something terrible here; something that would be a threat to my very own immortal existence.

            Still shuffling forward, something lashed out at me, scraping my arm as I leapt aside.  Again, it struck, barely missing me as it crossed my path – the blades were coming from the walls.

            Panicking, I ran onward, dodging the strikes left and right.  Close calls occurred constantly, and many times I thought I wasn’t going to make it, but my blood magic kicked in and gave me extra speed and reflexes.  At the end of the passage, I bent over panting.  Blood trickled from scattered scrapes and cuts as my heart pounded in my chest.

            “Oh my fucking Goddess,” I gasped, my gaze focused on what lie ahead.

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