Chapter 7 - Caged Magic

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            I blinked quickly as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the Council Chamber.

            “Raven Mae Sera,” spoke First Mistress Alexandra, the mate of High Sire Jason Danes.  “You have summoned us, the High Council of Night, and yet you have come to us with betrayal on your soul and no clothing to hide your shame.  What business have you with the Council?”

            I pulled myself from the moist stone floor onto my knees and bowed before the Council.  “I come to you seeking aid, my Lady,” I told the Mistress with every ounce of respect I could muster.

            “And why should we offer you aid when you have broken our laws and caused the deaths of nearly a hundred humans?”  First Lieutenant Geagoir Maine questioned me seriously.

            I took a breath in.  “I cannot think of anything that I could possibly say that would even have a chance as to swaying you that what I did was okay.  But I have become something beyond the vampire that I already was.  There is something new running through my veins,” I persuaded.

            “And what would this newfound power be?” Lady Alexandra inquired.

            I steadied myself. “I am unsure how to entirely explain it.  All I know is that last night I was a wolf.  I ran 250 miles in under two hours.  Then, tonight, I become some sort of fish-like creature with eyes like liquid darkness and a mouth full of piranha’s teeth.”

            “Lies!” Sir Greagoir shouted. “This felon speaks lies!  If she cannot prove it, then all of this is naught but lies!”

            “Raven, can you prove to the Council these powers of yours?” Lady Alexandra quieted Sir Greagoir and asked.

            “My Lady, I cannot.  I am unable to control when these changes occur.”

            Murmurs spread like wildfire through the Council.  “Silence,” commanded Alexandra. “We will not offer our hand in help until proof is shown.  Tomorrow, however, will be a trial as to what will become of you because of your actions.”

            I bowed my head and got to my feet as two bulky warriors approached and seized me. “Thank you, my Lady,” I spoke as the men drug me away.

            They led me through a dark corridor and down a spiral staircase.  At the bottom of the stairs, they tossed a bag over my head and then led me through a couple more winding halls before stopping.  Removing the bag, they tossed me into a dark cell.

            “Your home for the night, Shifter,” said one of the warriors once the other had left. “Please try to survive.  There are not many of us left.” And then he just left, a small bow preceding his departure.

            Puzzled and curious, I sat down on the cold floor and leaned up against the wall.  For a while, I sat there with my eyes closed, preparing to drift off to sleep.  I wondered what was going on back in the Third Realm with Arrakis.  I hated having left him like that, but I didn’t want im to see me on trial for my crime, and possibly executed before the entire Council.

            With these thoughts in my mind, I was startled when Drake Zynerian, the Head Sorcerer of the Council, appeared before my cell.  I stumbled to my feet, bowing humbly before him.

            “Hush, child; rise.  You are not the one to be bowing.”  I rose and, instead, he bowed fully to me.  “It is I,” he spoke as he lifted his head.

            “To what honor do I owe this visit, Drake?  I have not laid eyes upon you in four years.” I addressed him.

            “Only sixteen and still you know your place already.  ‘Tis an admirable trait in a woman.” He complimented.

            “Zyn, you did not come here to exchange pleasantries or to simply flirt with a woman a hundred years younger than you.  What is your true purpose for coming here?” I inquired with a cocky attitude, suppressing my childhood memories with Drake deep into my mind.

            Drake chuckled.  “I want to know how it came to be that you are a Shifter.  Only those with magic can even become Shifters.  Were you ever tested for magic?”

            “No.” I admitted. “I refused when they tried to do it.”

            He pondered my reply.  “Do you wish me to do it now?  If indeed you have the magic within you, this may be your suppressed magic going out of control.”

            Stunned, I considered his offer.  “What would this test consist of?” I pressed.

            “All I need to do is have you give me your hand to sense.  If I believe I have sensed something, I will have you hold a crystal which will change to the color of whatever magic you have within you.”

            I thought about this, weighing the dangers.  “I guess there is no harm in it.  I wish to know the truth.”

            Drake nodded, holding his open palms through the bars.  “Put your left hand in my right.”  I nodded and did as he asked.  He put his left hand on top and shut his eyes.

            A sudden chill passed through my body.  He let go of my hands with a bewildered expression.  “It’s so unstable,” he told me, “but you have so much of it.  I do not even need the stone to prove it.  But I must know what color it is.”  He handed me a crystal the size of my fist.  I held it for a second, but then it suddenly turned jet black.  Entranced, I watched as swirls of blood-red mixed into the darkness.

            “By the Goddess,” he whispered, “your magic is black, but you can also control the forbidden blood magic.  This cannot be right.”  He stared at me with astonished eyes.

            “Is that a bad thing?” I asked, slightly fearful.

            “Yes and no.  It means that you control the essence of darkness itself and can manipulate it.  You can also control blood, whether it’s still inside a creature or not.” Drake paused. “Blood magic is forbidden, but black magic is incredibly rare.”

            I thought about this for a minute.  “So you’re saying I can control blood and darkness just by thinking about it?”

            He nodded. “Pretty much.  But at the trial tomorrow, to protect you, I will only tell them about the black magic.”

            “Thank you.” I thought for a moment.  “What about learning?  Will I have to have a mentor to teach me how to control my magic?”

            Drake nodded.  “Yes, and if the Council will allow it, I would like to be your mentor.” He paused.  “That is, if you will have me.”

            I could help but smile.  “Of course, Drake.  I would love to have you as my mentor.  I just hope I make it past tomorrow’s trial.”

            He thought for a second. “I cannot do much but plead on the case of you being a Shifter.  I will ponder what to suggest for you to atone tomorrow.  For now, we must part.  It is time to rest.”

            Drake and I said our goodbye’s and parted.  Once more, I slumped against the cell wall.  Unlike the previous time, I fell quickly into a deep sleep.

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