chapter 12. Torture.

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Anahita's pov

After one week

With a groan  I crawled out of my bed to take a shower and to get ready and reach on time.

It's not like I am always late but sometimes few things come up so I will be late.

I don't like going late to the studio for shooting but due to some reasons I was late and there is no big deal if I am late by 15 or 20 minutes. It has to be taken casually because it's just fucking 20 minutes and it's not like we are gonna complete the whole shooting in just 20 minutes.

Last week I was tortured with that but now we are doing late night shootings and I don't know what has gotten in Malhotra's mind, he changed the whole timings and on the top of that he is calling at whatever time , he wants to start the shooting.

I am pissed off with this man. I don't know what I will do if the same things continues in future.

I jumped back when I heard a knock on the door.

"Maam your short is ready" one of the crew members said and left.

I walk out of the dressing room and I stopped in my tracks when I saw Malhotra sitting beside the manager i mean Rohan.

Malhotra was whispering something in Rohan's ear and he immediately nodded.


Dressing room


How many times I should repeat the same scene.. everytime  I was asked to do the same scene..

It's fucking irritating!

Even though the shot which I gave was very good , fabulous also I guess because a few of the crew members praised me for that but then again I was called to shoot for the same scene.

Nah! Don't forget this, he called me in the  night at one to shoot the same fucking scene and I am really really really pissed...

I would have ripped his head into two pieces if he wouldn't have been my boss or director or whatever you wanna call.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I started smiling because my dad face flashing on my screen.

I answered the call.

"Hello daddy! How are you! I missed you soo soo much!" I said excitingly.

"Woah! Slow Ana! Ok, how is  my tiger, doing well?"

"Yeah" I said my tone was low than the usual.

"Ok. How are you?"

"Dad I missed you so much dad. I want to meet you, mom and Anika" I said sadly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah! You know I am always ok" I replied though I was not okay.

"Ana listen, I want you to continue my business you know you always used to say that 'when I am mature enough I will take of your business you don't need to worry dad' Right?" He asked.

I started recalling the things what I said to my dad a few years back.
I was very feeling very happy that I said those words to my dad , even though my dad don't have any son he never felt bad. And why he should feel bad if he has me.

I am his son and I will do everything for my dad even a son can't do that.

I made a mental note in my mind that I will be there with my dad. He needs me and I am here..I will come dad but a few more days I thought.

"Are you listening Ana" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Yeah dad I am there. I will take over your business dad. You don't need to worry if I am here" I said patting my back even though he can't see me.

"You know! I need you..Ana. Day after day I am becoming old and now I don't have that much power and capacity to handle the work" he said sadly.

I am feeling very guilty now that I am not there with him now.
I know why he suddenly raised this topic because he is not well and I know he can't bear the pressure of the work because he has a high BP problem.

"Dad! You don't need to if your tiger is here!" I said cheering him.

"Ok! Now take care dad. I gotta go. See  yaa" I said because it's the time for the shooting now.

"Bye my you. " He said and hang up the phone.


I was very tired when I reached home and legs were like any time it will come out of my body.

My head was like it will burst out now because repeatedly repeatedly saying those same dialogues is making my head spin.

" Ana! Are you okay and why are you coming late since few weeks" Disha asked coming out of her bedroom.

It's already 12.30 in the night.

I don't know what happened...and then I hugged her.

"Are you okay Ana!? She asked caressing my back.

I don't know why but I started crying holding her very tightly.

"Ana! Why are you crying?"

"Tell me"

I didn't reply.

"Ana! Is it related to that Malhotra!"

I didn't reply.

I started crying even harder..

" Why aren't you answering!"

She took a step back and holded me by my shoulders.

"'s okay. You have me with you, don't cry" she said wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I am feeling like shit right now!" I yelled pulling my hairs.

I fell on my knees as I was sobbing very hard and my legs gave up.

I was banging my fist on the wall repeatedly..

I kicked the table which was there in front of me.

"Ana stop! Stop! You are hurting your self" she stopped me from banging my fist on the wall.

She gasped by seeing my hands.

It's started bleeding now ughhhh...

I broke the vase with my hands in anger and now blood started dripping from my knuckles.

"ANA! STOP! YOU ARE HURTING YOURSELF!" she said holding my hands and stopping me from hitting the tables.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"Shhh..This is not my Ana and she is not weak from what I know. She is more stronger... She doesn't cry and she will handle the situations more maturely as far as I know.." she paused and then continues " Ana don't hurt yourself like this and I don't like seeing you hurt... You are the girl who punches into guys face without hesitating are the girl which makes me laugh by your stupid expressions .. you are the girl who cares about everybody but you don't show it outside and I know that because you are a open book to me."
She said while hugging me very tightly.

"Ahh!" I groaned in pain.

"Oh sorry! Ana wait let me get the bandage!" I almost forgot.

She got up and ran to her bedroom to get the dettol and bandage..


I have split this chapter into two parts
Continuation is in the next chapter

Hope you liked it 😉😉😉😉😉

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