The best house

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Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz

Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz




Chapter 4: The best house

After Christmas, Professor Lupin decided to give Harry the long-awaited and belated anti-dementor classes.

Lydia and Hermione (who apparently discovered Lupin's secret) also signed up, as Percy did, instead Ron who showed supreme laziness and decided that he would make better use of his academic time by scratching his ba...

"Remember what I told you," said Lupin, "the patronus enchantment is of a higher level, it exhausts both mind and body, even adult magicians have problems with it, so don't feel bad about not being able to accomplish anything in this session."

Lydia and Percy came first, as this way Harry would have more time to prepare, as well as Hermione.

The two boys focused on getting the bogart to look like a dementor this time, and the two times the bogartdementor came out of his box, both Lydia and Percy conjured up their respective patronus to perfection. Lydia's patronus was shaped like a cat and Percy's, well, it was shaped like Lydia.

Lupin was as impressed as the other two boys, the patronus spell was supposed to wear out the two newbies, but both Lydia and Percy were not tired at all, though somewhat blushed.

"That was incredible," Hermione exclaimed, "how did you do it?"

"You just have to look inside yourself for a very happy memory, then you can conjure the patronus without difficulty," said Lydia.

It was Hermione's turn and when the boggart came out, it took on the form of Professor McGonagall who was shouting at Hermione that she fail in all subjects and that she was a great disappointment.

The poor girl was shot out of the classroom, and Lydia and Percy went after her. When the two kids caught up with Hermione, they reassured her as best they could. Lydia hugged and rubbed her back, while Percy, transformed into a cat, rubbed himself against her feet and purred calmly.



The days passed and Lydia decided that Hufflepuff, not only had to excel in sports but also academically, set the goal of competing on an equal footing with the Ravenclaw. The brains of the eagles surpassed the badgers, but they had their Achilles heel and it was because the eagles competed with each other to prove who was smarter.

Lydia knew that in a system focused only on obtaining better marks, prestige and respect fell on those who achieved the highest marks, and if there were study groups these would be very small and they would not let others in, nor help others.

In contrast, the Hufflepuffs were characterized by teamwork and would make the entire Hufflepuff house become a huge, a giant study group, all the members of his house would help each other, not only among the members of a single year, but all of them.

The seniors would help the freshmen and the rest would help the seniors. This would be a challenge, but the members of his house gladly accepted the challenge, they knew that the work would be hard and arduous, but that did not worry them because they knew that they would have a friend supporting them continuously, they knew that they would have several of their friends supporting them continuously, they knew that they were HUFFLEPUFF!

Lydia Deetz and the prisioner of Azkaban (completed 4/4)Where stories live. Discover now