Chapter 2

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Lacey's POV

"Love why love," I asked. It kinda scared me thinking a vampire was real and that he LOVED me.

"Well I've loved to for 18 years now and-" I cut him off.

"18 years that how old I am and... wait so you loved me when I was a baby. Well that's not creepy at all," I said sarcastically.

"Well sorry its a vampire thing," He said rolling his eyes. I stared at him for a while just thinking. Why me why not someone else. And how did he see me as a baby.

"Well because your beautiful I think so and its a long story I'll tell you later," He said.

"Excuse me," I said a little confused.

"Oh sorry I can't read minds. Each lord and lords mate has a special power," Harry said. Wait mate what does he mean but lords mate.

"When a guy vampire changes a girl to a vampire she becomes his mate," Harry said. Curse his power. He laughed a little probably cause he heard what I was thinking.

"So like I don't have a freedom of thinking anymore do I?" I asked.

"No not really," He said smiling cheekily. OK so were heading towards his so called 'castle'. I won't believe till I see.

"It true," He said.

"Stop that its annoying." I said sending daggers. He turned his head and giggled at me. I smiled to but then went back to a frown.


We finally reached the castle and yes it was huge. I was wrong he does own a castle. 

"Told you," He said smirking.

"Stop reading my mind," I said gritting my teeth. He's really getting me mad but then again I could use this to play with his mind so he doesn't know the truth.

"Don't you dare," He said playfully. I smiled and just kept walking till we came to the front of the door. He nodded to the guards as they let us in.

"wow your place is huge," I said scanning the whole place. I looked around and saw maids and butlers and all these other people that work here that probably have fancy names. Harry chuckled a little. Probably at what I said.

"You like it," He asked. I nodded and just smiled. But then frowned cause I know I will never see my family again.

"You will but just not for awhile," He said confirming the question.

"Want me to show you your room?" he asked. I nodded and he put his hand on my back and pushed me up the stairs. I cringed at the touch of a vampire. I stiffened up and walked weirdly.

"I won't hurt you," He said. I nodded but didn't relax. We reached my room and he asked me to close me eyes which I did.

"Ta da," He said. I opened my eyes to my dream room. It was painted green with painting of Pineapples and Roses of the wall. My bed was blue and green stripes. I walked in slowly and eyes everything. I had a porch thing what ever there called. I looked and I saw a bathroom.

"Hey look something other than a bucket," I said pointing to the bathroom. Harry laughed but the stiffed. I was wondering what was going on when two boys walked through the door. One had brown hair kinda short but really nice the other had kinda longish hair that was also brown.

"Harry Niall knows and he's not happy," Long haired one said. Harry's eyes widened then he faced me.

"He won't touch her Louis," Harry said walking over to me. Oh so his names Louis Ok he looks like a Cody to me. Harry chuckled making me laugh a little also.

"Liam whats Niall gonna do, do you know," Harry asked. Ok so the other ones Liam well now I know the names.

"He said something about getting her for himself and changing her," Liam said. I froze in my spot. It felt like I couldn't breath. Like my world had just collapsed. Then everything when black.


Hello pineapples. Sorry late update but yayay. OMG Niall can't change her. That would be horrible. Niall would be her mate and that can't happen, can it. Ahhhh the struggle is real. Love all


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