Chapter 6

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(Third Person)

Snyder exited the room closing the door behind him before entering the next room to head towards the two-way mirror. He let go of a pent up breathe he kept in his lungs through the duration of the tough conversation with Jenna. He saw her through the glass and the way she hung her head through exhaustion and pure defeat. It made his stomach twist at the sight of her. It destroys him to know what those boys did to her. It makes him feel even worse to know what her father did to her every day of her short little life.

He’s trying to distance himself from this girl. For all he knew she could be lying, but he knew better. A girl that lives to make her stand, wouldn't break down like that in front of the enemy. Her type doesn't shy easily.

In all his years of being a part of the government’s cover-ups he has never been so attached to a case, never. Maybe it was because she had eluded him for twelve years so it became personal. Who knows? But he knew he had to do something. The president personally told him to get her back to the states and they would further deal with her. He couldn't let that happen


 Maybe if he could help her control the change. Make her a part of his Recon team. He had the resources to make that happen, but would she be willing to do it?

"Ah, hell!" He breathed in frustration, while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Sir?" a voice rung out from behind him.

He turned to see one of his best recon men he's ever recruited, Jackson. That’s partly the reason only Jackson and him came on this wild goose chase alone. "Yeah, son?"

"What are you gonna do about her?" He tilted his head in the direction of Jenna.

"I don't have a damned clue." He placed his hands on his sides while facing the glass again.

Jackson came up beside him also staring at the beautiful mystery beyond the glass. His feelings were all over the place. Snyder cleared his throat.


"You've never had to excuse yourself from an interview. Me and you have dealt with pretty tough cases and you never once had to leave." curiosity getting the best of the old man. "But why with her?"

Jackson winced internally. He knew that question would pop up sooner or later. The old guy never missed a thing. "I dunno," keeping his eyes far away from Snyder's, "there's just something about her that’s different from the other people we've hunted. They were criminals and she......" he paused "She was the victim of the world’s chaos. Like I was." he finally said.

"I know." Snyder let out.

"It's bullshit." Jackson felt his blood run hot. Even though he and Jenna didn't get along, it made him furious to have to see the pain it physically and mentally caused her.

"She didn't even know what was happening to her before that day." Snyder had a distant gaze, deep into his memories of the past.

"What do you mean?"

Snyder blinked his eyes, realizing what he had said. "Nothing, Jax. Take her to the cells, I need to make a few calls." He said waving his hand passively.

"With all due respect Sir, if you ask me I think she would make one hell of a soldier. Maybe even a marine." Jackson left the room before Snyder could reply. The idea stuck to the heavy air around Snyder.

"Yes, she would." He answered to himself.

He reached in his jacket pocket, punching in some numbers before placing it on his ear. "Yes, Mr. President........Yes we have her detained, one of my guys is taking her to a holding cell.........Well actually, I have a proposition for you........I would like for her to be a part of my Recon team......Yes, I understand, sir. But I think her abilities would be a major asset to the U.S. army. The technology that I have access to back in the states would help me retrain her mind set. I can turn her into a soldier............Yes I'm aware of that, sir.........Yes, if it comes to that I won't hesitate.........Thank you, sir." the call ended. The president’s last request sent chills up his spine. But he knows that no matter what, if it came to that point he would be the one to do it. She was now his responsibility, whether or not if she would turn into a liability is something that made him scared as hell.

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