Chapter 15

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I lifted my snout to sniff the air. The scent of pine was heavy and it made me shiver. I could feel the thickness of the humidity press up against my lungs. I took my first step towards the woody abyss and could barely contain my excitement.

That's when I decided to just run.

Run for all that is and run for all that was.

My paws dug into the dirt before shoveling through the air as fast as they could take me. I passed tall trees and shrubbery dodging them expertly. I surprised myself at how well my instincts guided me through, especially since I've neglected the change over the years. But I moved through these woods like I was well aware of every sharp turn and fallen tree trunk that laid in my path. The heavy air clung to my chest as I began to slow down. My tongue bounced as I panted in short gasps, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

I stopped right at a clearing and could see the moon shining above me angry clouds threatened to mask its beauty. The desire to worship the shining orb was too much. I threw my wolf head back, ears instinctually followed suit. I took in all my lungs could hold as it bubbled up gently before becoming a deep and powerful howl. Far off in the distance I could hear a clap of thunder answering my wistful call into the night.

I surveyed the area around me keeping my posture at an assertive stance. It was quiet but my ears flickered at the silent hooves lightly stepping around in the darkness beyond the clearing. By its scent I can tell it's a deer. Feeling the woods around me and feeling the life that it nurtured made my bones settle into bliss and made my heart beat a little quicker.

I rounded in a tight circle before lying down in the center of the clearing. I let the life surrounding me seep deep into my being, letting it consume me.


A loud rumble of thunder shook the soil underneath me startling me from my half sleep trance. I'm not sure how long I've been here but the storm is getting closer and I need to get back before anyone notices I'm gone. I rise from my resting place and pad my way back into the dense maze of tree trunks. I know I should rush back but I don't want to let go of this safe haven, just yet.

Is that a crime?

The building comes into view as I get closer to where I left my clothes. I still at the sudden feeling of curious eyes. My ears perk as my nostrils wiggle around trying to catch whatever or whoever’s scent. I can't smell anything other than the obvious so I continue on towards my clothes.

When I'm only a few feet away I force the change back into my human form and by the time I reach the neatly folded clothes I have shifted completely back. I change quickly and rush back towards my secret door, I just hope to God it's not locked. It seems as though the moon is on my side tonight as I slowly open the door and enter the staircase I came down from earlier.

I start up the daunting seven flights of stairs and by the time I reach my floor I realize just how comfortable I was being the wolf. That's a scary thought. I try to shake the nonsense out of my head before quietly making my way to my apartment. It must be pretty late because no one is in the main halls. When I go through the corridor leading into my hallway I hear muffled voices and light made from the crack of the door next to mine. As I get closer I hear a deep wail and a struggle. I pick up my speed and burst through the door. Snyder has his hands gripping Jackson's shoulders, trying to shove him backwards. 

"STOP, JAX!" Snyder attempts to snap him out of it but the angry gleam in Jackson's eyes say differently. He's not himself. He's staggering and moving in a labored manner. I look around at the scene and see multiple empty bottles of liquor, most are shattered across the floor.

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