Chapter 8

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 (First Person)

The nightmares begin to disappear into the past, from which they came. I wake up to the drumming of my heart against my chest. My shallow breathes become more frantic when I feel the tension of the restraints, holding me down. I writhe against them trying to fight them off. I am very aware that I can break out of these. But my body can't take anymore surges of emotion and to be quite honest I feel like shit.

Giving up, I look over to my right and notice an IV bag dripping into a small tube. I follow its length all the way down to where it pierces into the inside of my arm. Knowing that the needle is imbedded under my skin makes me cringe, I hate those damn things.

There are three straps keeping me from being able to pull it out and walking my ass out of here. One runs across my chest, the other over my midsection, and the last one was placed over my knees.

"Hello." I hear a high pitched voice, with an Australian accent, break into my discomfort. She's young, very young and she definitely doesn't look like a nurse. Her pale round face was framed by her shoulder length blonde hair that was in waves. The white lab coat she was wearing was unbuttoned and I could see a Lord of The Ring T-shirt and black skinny jeans underneath it. Her brown eyes shined shyly as she approached me. Her black flats made a light clicking sound until they stopped beside my bed. The make-up on her eyes was dramatic but suited her well. It made her green eyes pop. "My name is Pippa." she greeted me with a toothy smile.

I nodded my head in greeting, I didn’t say a word because I knew I would come off harsh. She was innocent. She had nothing to do with my situation, even though I would love to blame the world for my problems.

I couldn’t.

I can be mad all I want but at the end of the day I was the one who lost control.

She cleared her throat as she looked over the chart at the foot of my bed, “Are you feeling any better, Ms.Handkens?” she asked, keeping her eyes glued to the piece of paper that had all my information on it.

I held back the frustrated sigh that wanted to make itself known, “I’m alright. Can these come off now?” Dammit, I’m an awful human being.

Her face flinched at my response, “Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s against protocol.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off that way." I breathed, "My name is Jenna.” I swear I’m such an asshole.

She gave me a small smile and giggled like a school girl, “Its okay your nothing compared to grumpy pants out there. Between you and me,” her voice turned into a whisper, “he’s really a gummy bear under all that macho man armor.”

“Who?” I’m a bit confused.

“Oh, you haven’t met Jax yet?”

“You mean Jackson?”

“Oh that’s right, duh.” She waved her hand around correcting herself.

We both turn to someone grunting in the door way, “How is she?” he saunters over next to Pippa.

She straightens, “We are having girl talk, Jax. If you’re going to be grumpy stay outside.” Her brows raised.

“Okay, okay love. I just need to know if she’s ready for visitors because Snyder needs a word with her.” He chuckles at her sudden burst of spunk. There's no way their related, he's your average all American guy and she was definitely foreign.

“Don’t try to act all brotherly now after your moody ass tried yelling at me earlier.” She retorted, “Now shoo, I’ll be done by the time Snyder gets up here.” What?

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