Chapter 9

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A sigh of relief escaped his tense lips, "You meet the team and start training. Everyone on the team has a partner and just so lucky for you Jackson is the loner of the group."

My eyes go wide, "Oh, hell no!" I start shaking my head in disagreement and attempt to stand up. I stumble lightly and Snyder reaches out for me. I pull away from him and gather my bearings. I pace myself to the edge of the bed. I'm pretty sure I look like I've gone mad but I need my space. My breathing is heavy, little black spots try to take over my vision but I blink them away.

Jackson's face stays neutral but I can see the battle behind those dark blue eyes as he glares at me. "You two settle your differences and learn how to work together. Neither of you have a say in this." Snyder was treating us like toddlers that didn't like sharing.

I look at the enemy, "I don't like assholes."

He returns the angry scowl, "I don't like animals."

Oh the raw nerve! "You son of a b----"

Snyder throws his hand up, making me stop mid-sentence, "There will be plenty of that when you two start your training together."

"I don't like this. Not one bit." I raised my finger.

"Think of it as bonding time, sweetheart." Jackson had an evil grin playing at his lips.

"Jackson, go get Pippa so we can get the blood sample before you take her to her room." Jackson disappeared through the doorway and down the hall.

"Jenna," I turned to meet his gaze, "no matter how much of an ass he can be, he'll take care of you. That's why I paired you two."

I give a nervous laugh, "I can take care of myself."

"I know. But he can't." his voice was almost pained.

"What do you mean?"

"A guy like him, that has seen so much and could do so little, needs inspiration. He needs a reason to keep fighting. Just like you."

"Are you saying that being a bully to me is a reason for him to get up in the morning?" I raised a brow.

He chuckled, "Of course not. What I’m saying is that you two have so much in common but both of you are too damn stubborn to see it. But you will." he left that sentence hanging in the air, making my mind go crazy to fill in the blank.

Then the devil came waltzing into the room followed by Pippa. She looked at me and smiled, "Alright, you ready?"

Snyder exited the room quietly. "Yes." I tried walking towards her but my head pounded in protest. I wobbled a bit. Then I crashed my cheek into a hard wall, a breathing wall. I looked up and saw Jackson’s concerned face quickly changed into a harsh scowl. "Get off of me." I bit out.

He cleared his throat and left his gentle hold around my waist. I staggered a little more before sucking it up and holding onto anything that would give me support. "Let me help you, Jenna." I heard Pippa chime in. I let her take her hold around my arm, I could see the frustration in Jackson's eyes build.

Pippa gently guided me out into the hallway with him close behind us. This whole place was a sterile, white with offices riddled throughout the hallway. When we reached the grand room it was also white but darker. There a dozen computers clustered on one desk and the computer screens gave the room a blue tint. There were glass windows that sectioned off a part of the room, there were lab tools and microscopes littered along a steel table.

"Welcome to my playground!" Pippa let me lean against the desk of computers, which I'm guessing is her desk. She outstretched her arms for her presentation.

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