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After 5 days we finally got the beans. It was time to go back to storybrooke, It was time to see Henry again. Hook would not be going with us, just Mary Margret and I, but something was telling me this wasn't the last time I was going to see him.

           "Luv, before you leave please take this."  Hook handed me a charm. Off we went back to our home. The minute we got back the whole town rushed to hug Mary Margret, they even threw her a party... I didn't belong here.

           That night when I went to my room and turned off the lights the charm Hook had given me started to glow. I put it down on my dresser and put a shirt over it.

          When I woke that morning I lifted the shirt. The charm had stopped glowing so I picked it up and put it into my jewelry box. I was startled by a scream and I dropped the charm and ran to see What was wrong. Mary Margret and Charming were standing by the window with pure horror across their faces.

          "What's wrong?!" I yelled trying to get their attention but they just stood there. I grabbed my jacket and went outside to see What had happened.  That when I saw it... The Jolly Roger

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