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I woke up with a sharp stabbing pain in my stomach. Killian was standing over me, my hand in his, and I could see he was crying.

"Killy! what's wrong? What happened?"

"Emma, honey it's okay. I promise you'll be okay..." he trailed off.

Regina walked in and sat down next to me with Mr. Gold. "Emma, you have been cursed... well You haven't been cursed, but your baby has." Regina has a sad look on her face.

"Well what the bloody hell does that mean?" I asked sitting up.

Mr. Gold was the one to speak. "It means, the demons on Gra Island want your baby, and they will stop at nothing to get him."

"So it's a boy!" I squealed.

"Emma focus, this isn't a time to get distracted." Regina said loudly.

I sat on Killian's lap and took a sip of hot cocoa that Regina had made. "Okay, so what do you do?"

"See the baby has magic, just like you. We need to teach you how to control yours in order for him to control his, because right now he belongs to the demons. He will destroy you from this inside. So we must start as soon as possible. Tomorrow meet Mr. Gold and I by the well, and we will begin."

Killian and I get up and head for the door.

"Emma, I am soo sorry this is all my fault."

"Don't you dare! Killian it's going to be okay, I never want to hear you say that again!" I was slightly yelling.

"I just can't lose you. I love you."

"You're not going to lose me, now lets get back home."

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