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         Henry and I get to Granny's and I see Hook with the cutest smile on his face and three cups of hot chocolate with cinnamon on the table. Henry and I sit opposed Hook.

         "Hello lad how are you today?" Hook asks Henry.

         "Mom was telling me that you two are dating... but I'm good."

         Killian looks at me shocked.

        " Really did she. Well than luv come sit over here next to me." He moved over and patted the seat. I wasn't gonna get up but Henry pushed me out if the seat.

          I sat down and he kissed my cheek, I could feel my face getting red.

         "I'm hungry can we order already. " Henry called Ruby over.

         I didn't notice until she walked you and glanced down that Killian and I were holding hands.

        "What can I get for you sweetie?" she asked.

        "Can I have a cheeseburger please, with fries?"

        "And for you two?" she turned to us.

        "I'll have the fried fish"

        " and I'll also have a cheeseburger."

       We handed Ruby our menus and she went to the kitchen.

        "So luv how was your day?"

        "She got yelled at by her mother.., then we went to the park and she told me about yo..." I cut him off before he could say anymore.

        Hook turned to me. "Your mommy yelled at you." he teased and Henry joined.

        "Hey it's your fault." I whispered in his ear.

       " I don't believe that's true luv. I didn't lie to your parents. "

      " Well you got me drunk."

      Are food arrived and it smelled great. Henry finished first.

      "Mmmm that was great. Mom can I get a milkshake? "

      "Ask Hook, he's paying... "

      "Pleaseee " he begged Hook.

      "Of course you can lad!"

      Ruby must have overheard because she came right to the table asking Henry What flavor he wanted. He answer was same a usual, chocolate. When we were all finished we started walking Henry home. Killian and I walked hand and hand while Henry walked in front of us.

       We got to the gate in front of Regina's house and I bent down to kiss Henry's forehead."Please don't tell you Mom or Mary Margret and Charming about me and Hook. Give it a Little time " I whispered in his ear.

        "Okay Mom. I love you."

        "Love you too kid."

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