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My mother and I talked about the pro's and con's of the situation for about five minutes, and then it was time to check the test. I was so nervous. If the test is positive than yay I'm having a baby with the love of my life, If the test is negative than yay... I'm not pregnant...

"Are you ready?" My mother had the test in her hand.

"It's now or never..." I said sarcastically.

She handed it to me and with a deep breath I looked down. It was negative. A wave of relief washed over me but also a bit of sadness, anyways it was over. I gave my mom a hug and popped open a bottle of wine. Thank God I'm not pregnant... I would miss this.

I decided it was time to relieve David from the station so I went down and told him to go home. He had already finished the paperwork on the desk, thank goodness because I didn't know what had been happening here.... Definitely not something you want to here from the sheriff...

It was about noon when there was a knock on the door. I went and opened it and there stood Killian with a paper bag.

"Who did you kill Killy?" I gave a playful glare.

"Well if I had killed someone, I surely wouldn't come to the police station, Luv."

He laid out the contents of the bag. A bowl of spaghetti, two forks, and a bag of cookies.

"COOKIES! Yes I LOVE YOU!" I wrapped my arms around him in the biggest bear hug I could manage. We sat down and began to eat. After sharing the spaghetti, I gave him A cookie and proceeded to eat the rest of the bag myself. If this man was going to marry me he'd have to get use to my flaws, even if those flaws were...Cookies.

Anyways after a long day at work I was ready to go back to my new home. It was also my night with Henry so I called Hook and he pick Henry and I up at the dock. We sailed by the moonlight for about twenty minutes and was docked the boat at our own personal pier.

It was late so I gave Henry some pizza and sent him to bed.

Killian was sitting on the couch when I got out of Henry's room.

"Come sit down luv. I think it's a relaxing night." He winked and patted the space next to him.

I sat down and he put his arm around me. "Killy... I want to tell you something but, you have to let me finish before you say anything."

His eyes connected with mine and he just nodded. "Well today when I went to the store I figured I pick up a pregnancy test... I took it, and it came out negative. I didn't think, because it was negative, that I would have to tell you but, it's for the best that I do." I looked into his eyes in search for a reaction.

"Well thank you for telling me, are you okay that it was negative? How do you feel?"

"I.. Idon't really know. I mean I was really nervous at first, but then I was kind of relived. I wouldn't be able to drink if I was." I laughed. He had a small chuckle too, but he looked slightly upset. "Honey, how do you feel about it?" I was worried.

"All I know is at least I get to try again." His playful grin was back and he kissed me.

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