Chapter 10: Rapunzel

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"Two cherries," I said handing Emma and Lilo their ice cream. "And one mint."

"Thank you," both 8 year-olds thanked in sync.

"No problem."

Jack gave me a grateful smile. "Thanks, I really owe you."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed playfully at him. "You don't owe me anything."

"Rapunzel, not only did you get me ice cream, but you also offered to help with tutoring. And you were there to talk to me when no one else would, so I definitely owe you."

Helping him was my intentions but I wasn't expecting him to do something for me in return. It didn't feel right for him to repay me. "Jack seriously, you don-"

"Don't fight me on this, I really want to do something for you in return."

Two things he said caught my attention and made me smile. The first one was that he was using my own words against me; the second one was that he wanted to do something for me. He didn't say he had to or he was suppose to, he said he wanted to and that honestly meant a lot to me .

"Thanks, Jack."

All four of us sat and ate our ice cream in content. My chocolate ice cream was purely divine on my tastebuds. It was creamy and delicate and every time I swallowed, a soft silk would slither down my throat which would make me moan in delight.

"Are you enjoying your ice cream?" a familiar voice spoke from behind me, sending an unnerving sensation throughout my body.

Everyone, except me, turned to see who the voice belonged to. I was frozen in fear and couldn't bring myself to look at him for I knew that I'd be staring at a smug expression that held anger behind his brown eyes.

"Hey, you're Flynn right?" Jack asked in his friendly voice.

"Yeah," Flynn answered blandly.

My gaze stay glued to the ground below me. I began to sweat nervously while also breathing heavily. Why is he here? What's he gonna do to me? Is he mad because I'm hanging out with Jack? My mind raced with a gazillion questions.

As his large hands were placed on my shoulders, I couldn't help but tense. My heart stopped beating for a minute while more sweat trickled down my face.

"Are you gonna share with me?" he asked.

I finally mustered enough courage to face him. My prediction was right, his expression took a smugness to it but also had a ferocity in his glare. I handed him my ice cream without saying a word, my hands slightly shaking. He smiled at my trembling and began to take large bites from my frozen treat.

After a few bites, he paused and examined my ice cream with a displeased look. "You know I don't like chocolate."

I hung my head down in shame, knowing he was right.

"Well, it wasn't exactly meant for you, now was it?" Jack retorted with a slight bitterness.

Flynn's eyes, along with my own, widened from Jack's statement.

Jack, you shouldn't have said that. Now he's gonna beat you like he does with me, I panicked.

Flynn looked at Jack, then to me, then to my ice cream, and finally back to Jack again. "I guess you're right."

He threw my ice cream into the nearest trash can, leaving everyone in shock. "But she doesn't really need ice cream, she needs to be staying away from fatty foods like this. I don't want my girlfriend getting overweight, that'd be really embarrassing."

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