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Hearing those angelic voice from the telly... with white writings on the dark background.

I can't stop myself from crying. My wound has been cleaned but they want to hold me down because I've lost so much blood but I need to see her.

I need to assure she's safe.

I saw my son with Penny, both were miserably crying. I saw Alex too.

"Peter! What happened? You are supposedly protecting her!" That's Jonathan holding my shirt, he looks too angry.

I guess he didn't got the time to cancel the ad.

He's like a father to Adele...sure he'll be this mad.

Because I am too is mad to myself. I end up hugging him, want him to support me instead of blaming me.

" hurts." I told him. He was taken a back. "She was abused and taken forcefully in front of me and I couldn't save her." I cried. He didn't say anything but he was tapping my back as if telling me it's gonna be alright.

And then...

"Doc urgent please...her heart stops beating." and I saw Alex and the other doctor rushed to the operating room.

I felt my world falling apart. This isn't happening please...

I am literally crying on the floor now.

"Daddy..." I lift my face only to see my son, he has bruises in his face. 

I'm such a weak man for letting this happen to my son and to the most important woman in my life.

How can I live like this in the future? Knowing she was taken forcefully in front of me and I couldn't do anything to help her.

Her cries for apologizing on what she didn't have control... I mean, how can she still think of how I will feel and apologize for it?

She still put me first before herself.

I can still hear her cries for help and it breaks my heart and it will continue break my heart for the rest of my life. I didn't do everything I could to help her. 

I let that evil man to hurt her, touch her and take her again...

I should have killed him before.

"Peanut, son..." I reached for my son, I'm afraid he's mad at me for not helping his mum.

"Daddy...mum's gonna be alright right? she's just sleeping right?" he went to me and what he asked me was something I couldn't answer but I need to be strong for him.

"Yes, mum will be alright... she'll just need to rest a bit longer." I hug him and let him rest on my shoulder.

I know he's exhausted... I stand up and carry him.

"Does the twins know?" I asked to Penny. She nodded and I felt bad for both of them.

"Let's go to your sissy's peanut...mum will be back, I promise you."


Where am I? This place seems peaceful and I am feeling this very familiar. Those rays of sun that was shining on my face. 

"Laurie..." I suddenly hear a very familiar voice, a voice I will never forget and always longed to hear again. I turned to where I was hearing it and I saw someone I always want to see.

"Gran!" Yes, my great grandfather who spoils me during my childhood, my great grandfather who always believes in me, he always were at my back to support me and push me to what I want to do. He was the one who argues with my mum when she's being strict to me.

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